Astronomers have discovered water vapour exists in the disc around a young star – at the point planets MAY be forming. Water MAY play a role in planet formation, we are told.
Go to …. and over at …. dwarf galaxies that pack enough punch to reshape the entire early universe. They are, it seems, providing ionising radiation at a rate higher than expected.
At …. a group of very bright stars MAY be slowly-reshaping-the Orion Nebula, new observations suggest.
Over at …. we are here at supernova explosions – and neutron stars. However, the evidence comes from the elements argon and sulfur assumed to be a relic of the supernova. These elements are ionised – or we might say, electrified. They have been stripped of their electrons. The authors claim this ionisation could only have occurred due to radiation emitted by a neutron star. So, no actual neutron star is involved. The idea is an assumption. It has never been spotted. It is simply claimed that one is hiding in the vicinity of a former supernova – which is also invisible.