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Inside Out

13 August 2024

Gary sent in the link https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/moon-turned-itself-inside-out-to-form-surface-we-see-today-scientists-discover/ar-BB1lh2vS … well, sort of – but a quirky headlne. The moon turned itself inside out to form the surface we see today. However, on reading it mainstream has hardly diverged and neither is it as revolutionary as indicated. It involves the swallowing up of the crust and a brief spell in the Mantle, in the innards if you like. The swallowed pieces were regurgitated ina ‘borna again’ crust. Or something like that. This sort of modelling is possible as it starts on the premise a small planet smacked int Earth 4.5 billion years ago, in its formative stage. The collision flung molten rock into space. Over the following millennia the debris came togeter and cooled, and then solidified – into our moon. It is a theory – the collision and the subsequent modelling based on the current mainstream preferred origin of the moon. Also, modelling, it should be said, in such a hypothetical situation involving lots of debris mixed up with the idea of accretion and formation of planets, can be extraordinarily creative.

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