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Mega Ripples

15 March 2025
Catastrophism, Geology

At https://www.livescience.com/planet-earth/geology/52-foot-high-megaripples-from-asteroid-that-killed-dinosaurs-mapped-deep-beneath-louisiana-in-3d … It seems the largest known ripples caused by a massive tsunami wave have been discovered deep beneath Louisianna. They show, conclusively, that the tsunami was generated by the asteroid hitting the Yucatan peninsular [the Chicxulub crater]. The space rock has been estimated to have been 6 miles wide. It left a lasting signature on the sea floor – caused by a gigantic wave creating the megaripples in what is now rock. The kinetic energy generated by the impact was roughly 100 million megatons, it has been calculated. This is akin to 10 billion Hiroshima scale nuclear bombs going off simultaneouslky. The collision led to the demise of the dinosaurs – and over 75 per cent of all species on Earth, at that time. A simulation back in 2018 claimed the tsunami wave itself reached a maximum height of 5000 feet.

This appears  to be part of ongoing research as the idea of the huge tsunami wave goes back to 2018/2019. They appear to have sought out oil company seismic records in order to find any evidence on the ground, so to speak, of the proposed tsunami wave. They came up trumps, it would seem. Published research in 2019 suggested debris, including lots of fish from the impact site, were washed thousands of miles away on to what is now North Dakota. The new paper describing megaripples suggests a really massive movement of water. However, the size of the tsunami wave was discussed at sites such as https://gizmodo.com/massive-tsunami-from-dino-killing-asteroid-carved-mega-1847290484/ … telling us the seismic data used in the study was provided by an energy company looking for oil and gas in central Louisianna. Seismic images send shock waves into the ground – and the resulting reflections provide a picture of sediments and other features buried beneath the surface. Louisianna, at that time, was submerged, it is thought. Hence, the interpretation they were looking at an ancient sea bed. In other words, the asteroid struck a watery location and in the process, shifted a mountain of water in the direction of central North America, and the so called Interior Sea Way. This long stream of water is famous as a dinosaur graveyard. That is where the catastrophism comes in. You would not know that looking at the press releases.

See also https://www.smithsonianmag.com and https://www.natureworldnews.com/articles/46806/20210721/

and https://phys.org/news/2022-10-dinosaur-killing-asteroid-triggered-global-tsunami.html …  and see also https://www.sciencedirect.com/sciences/article/abs/pii/S0012821X21003186

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