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Titbits on archaeology reports

12 July 2010

At www.cyprus-mail.com/cyprus/rich-final-bronze-age-settlement/20100704 excavators at a Late Bronze Age settlement on Cyprus might be of interest to chronologists, especially revisionists, as a rich assemblage of imported and local bronze and pottery has been unearthed. There are many Aegean artifacts as well as imports from the Levant and Egypt – so a series of interconnections can be determined. Cypriot pottery was used as a fine tableware and exported around the eastern Mediterranean, the Levant, and even into Babylonia.

The Daily Telegraph, see www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/italy/7883996/Biggest-canal-ever-built-by-Romans-discovered/ … a canal, 100 yards wide (90m) has been found between Portus, the ancient maritime port of Rome, and Ostia on the Tiber, 2 miles away, where ocean going ships brought cargoes that were transferred to river vessels and taken up the Tiber into the docks at Rome. Portus was abandoned in the 6th century AD but may prove to be one of the most important archaeological sites of the period as it is probably preserved virtually intact and requires excavation.

At www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2010-07/thuo-owd071210.php … Eilat Mazar has been in charge of excavations in the Ophel area of Jerusalem, located in between the Old City walls (medieval) and what is thought to have been King David’s city somewhat to the south. A tiny scrap of a clay tablet with a few bits of cuneiform writing has been found, seized on by Mazar to say that even in the Late Bronze Age Jerusalem was important enough to communicate with Egypt (or its neighbours) and was not the unimportant hill billy centre as envisaged by the minimalists. See also the Israel Exploration Journal.

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