At there is a page now on the conference and details of what is hoped to be the agenda.
- Wal Thornhill will address star formation,
- Dave Talbot the electric sun, and
- Wal Thornhill will appear again to speak on electric comets.
- Tom Findley will discuss the core science at the heart of the electric universe model,
- Michael Gmirkin, well known to readers of Thunderblog, will discuss earth-sun connections,
- Robert Johnson the speed of light,
- Tom Erny on Saturn's magnetic axis and conductive upper atmosphere, and
- Rens van der Sluijs will also speak – on the hidden history of plasma science.
Sounds like a well rounded menu. There will be long term characters such as Ev Cochrane and Dwardu Cardona, and a bit of conjecture from Michael Steinbacher and Nicholas Sykes – and lastly, Stephen Smith will be present, editor of the Thunderbolts 'Picture of the Day' – a very successful addition to the email inbox.