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The Flat Universe?

18 October 2011

At www.physorg.com/print238063656.html … it seems that in recent years cosmologists have discovered the universe is flat – or purportedly so. This is in spite of its apparent accelerating expansion. Why should it expand flatly? Why would the Big Bang be wholly one dimensional – why not spray outwards? The blame is being put on dark energy.

Over at www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/10/111017124344.htm the headline reads, 'Dark Matter mystery deepens' – and has a similar theme. At www.physorg.com/print238074437.html dark matter is likewise a mystery. The problem is that computer simulation models predicted it should bunch and clump together whereas in reality it does not appear to behave in such a way (paper published in The Astrophysical Journal).

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