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28 March 2013

The Heritage Journal, see http://frontiers-of-anthropology.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/the-mysterious-m… … begins with a reference taken from Geoffrey of Monmouth and the giants of old that brought megaliths to Ireland … from Africa, a nice touch but hardly to be taken too seriously as most of the quote is actually missing. The author of post then claims he has dipped into Robert Temple's latest offering, 'Egyptian Dawn' and refers readers to the web site of the book, www.egyptiandawn.info and we can suppose from there is a large input.

The Atlantic coast of Morocco has often cropped up when megalithic sites in SW Europe have been discussed as there appears to be a link with the Iberian peninsular. Here we have some strange looking 'pointy headed' stones arranged in a circle of unknown date and of course, theories start coming thick and fast – and this appears to be in that genre. See also www.egyptiandawn.info/chapter8.html and it is worth noting Mzora is situated just 27 km from the more famous site of Lixus, which has also attracted a lot of attention and theorising. . Robert Temple, in typical genre mode, claims a direct link with stone circles in Britain and temple tombs in Ireland, which is where the illustrious Geoffrey of Monmouth comes in.

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