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Before Rice, and the Elephant’s Tomb

11 May 2013

At www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2013-05/plos-iac050113.php … Chinese Academy scientists (Beijing) have published a paper saying that prior to the adoption of rice cultivation, those people living in southern subtropical China, probably relied on sago as a staple food item. Bananas were also an important foot resource, various roots and rhizomes (including fresh water tubers).

At www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2013-05/f-sf-tet051013.php … the Elephant tomb in the Roman necropolis if Carmona (at modern Seville in Spain) was not always funerary it turns out. It was formerly a temple of the cult of Mithraism. The position of Taurus and Scorpio during the equinoxes, and the fact the Sun shines throught a window during the equinoxes, is used as corroborating evidence. As the Sun shines through the window during Spring equinox Taurus rises in the east and Scorpio sinks in the west. The opposite occurred at autumn equinox and seems to reflect the god killing a bull and this involved a scorpion stinging it in its testicles. The Moon was also involved.

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