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20 December 2013

Laurence Dixon sent in the link to this information. A super volcano has been found on the sea bed off Italy, at a midway point between Vesuvius (close to Naples) and Etna (on Sicily). It has been christened Marsili. If it blew it would create a Mediterranean length tsunami wave that would devastate a large populated area. The report is coloured by the assumption it sits on the boundary between the African and the European plates, and is in effect, a subduction zone. However, this is by no means clear as the volcano is a mountain some 3500m in height and at its highest point is just 500m below the surface of the sea. Images do not show an obvious subduction zone – in spite of it being a necessary feature of Plate Tectonics theory. This is the standard attachment to any news blurb about tectonic activity on supposed plate boundaries. Marsili doesn't appear to be active but every now and again emits a strong sulphurous smell that is washed up by the sea.See http://channel1.aolsvc.de/Wissen/Neuer-Supervulkan-Mittelmeer-gefaehrlic…. We may note under water volcanoes or earthquakes caused tsunami waves according to Gibbon in AD358 (year Valens 2) in southern Italy, and again there is a report of a tsunami wave in AD378 in the Mediterranean.

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