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29 August 2015
Climate change

At http://notrickszone.com/2015/08/26/suppression-of-science-former-noaa-me… … it seems CAGW science actively connived and went out of its way to actually ban mention of natural cycles of warming and cooling as they contradicted the idea modern global warming was something special and unique. The link has a youtube video and the accompanying comments are almost as good as the article itself.

However, another day another story – sea levels according to NOAA are less than 2 miilimetres a year – go to http://notrickszone.com/2015/08/30/sea-level-rise-alarm-turned-off-noaa-…

 Meanwhile, NASA is telling us sea levels are set to rise by 1m – but it will take 200 years. Nevertheless this did not stop the spokesman from claiming he was a worried man. Once again this represents exponential graphs as in the real world sea level varies with natural cycles – and goes up whenit is warmer, and down when it cools. Oh the games that people play, and this brings us to a nice little eye opener for the uncommitted – go to http://wattsupwiththat.com/2015/08/29/the-hood-robin-syndrome/ … where Eschenbach manages to catch up with the story – poor people are subsidising the rich (to the orders of billions of dollars).

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