Robert Farrar sent in the link … which is another set of images (go to the link but below is one to wet the appetite)
Pluto is surprisingly Earth like we are told, as far as appearances are concerned when it comes to its hydrological cycle (although water itself is not suspected, nitrogen is said to play a similar role as the assumption is that it is extremely cold on Pluto). See also
See also … more images of Pluto via New Horizons camera. The image below is of rounded and texture mountains that show intricate and puzzling patterns of blue-gray ridges and reddish material in between
and again there are a lot of images at the link.
Meanwhile, at …Earth's pull is massaging the Moon, influencing the orientation of thousands of faults that litter the lunar surface – as the Moon shrinks. It seems some are talking about an expanding earth and others of a shrinking moon.