Scientists are speculating as to why Earth has a magnetic field – and what generates it. At … the gravitational effects associated with the presence of the Moon and the Sun cause cyclical deformation of the Earth's mantle and creates wob bles in Earth's rotation axis. This mechanical forcing as applied to the planet as a whole affects the strong currents in the 'outer' core – what is thought to be made of a liquid iron ally of low viscosity. Such currents are enough to generate the Earth's magnetic field – and that is basically the premise. Is it enough to generate Earth'smagnetic field?
At … the discussion here is wind carved mounds on Mars, forming over millions of years (naturally). The research is published in Geophysical Research Letters and includes an outline of an experiment they did. They built a miniature (as in very small) crater and filled it with damp sand. Then they put it in a wind tunnel in order to simulate the Martian winds (or solar wind perhaps) and lo and behold the damp sand eventually formed a mound. However, does that prove the mound on Mars was formed by the wind? Not necessarily.
At … simulation again. Ths time with supermassive black holes. It involves invisible matter and involves a hole in which clouds of dust fall in order to create a 'black' hole – but what is the invisible matter?
At … we have an exoplanet that is rocky – or that is the idea. One side of it is lava (or solid) but the other side, it is estimated, is molten (as it orbits so close to the star it is in hock with). It is also much small than the hot jupiter type gas bodies more commonly seen as exoplanets – or is it supposed to be rocky on account of being small?