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10 August 2016

At http://phys.org/print389866610.html … evidence is mounting that neutrinos are the key to the universe's existence, according to a news release from Imperial College in London. It includes Japanese research as well as the team from Imperial and revolves around differences in the make up of neutrinos and anti-neutrinos. Basically, they have divided the particles into tau, muons and electrons, but what differs between neutrinos and anti-neutrinos is the rate of change, from muon to electron. As the rate of change is faster in neutrinos this means they have the edge on anti-neutrinos, and therefore the universe exists. Well, its remarkable stuff, muons and electrons and neutrinos, but is it real? Are they manufacturing a solution to a problem of their own creation.

At www.spaceweather.com (August 10th 2016) – discusses the August Persied meteor stream now having a ball over North America. The image below is a smokey trail of debris left behind by a fireball – seen in New Hampshire …

    …. a stream of solar wind is pressing up against earth's magnetic field causing an auroral glow. The southern lights are shining – and the image below comes from New Zealand ……………………………………………………………….

The solar wind has an origin in a deep coronal hole on the face of the Sun.


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