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cosmic rays

29 August 2016

At www.spaceweather.com August 29th 2016 … the 'Earth to Sky Calculus' experiment (using helium filled balloons) has been monitoring cosmic rays in the stratosphere above California. There has been a 13 per cent increase since 2015. This appears to coincide with a quieter Sun – less sun spots = less solar wind flaring = less solar radiation to deflect incoming cosmic rays from space (beyond our solar system). Cosmic rays, we are told, can seed clouds – so are we in for cloudy, and by implication cooler weather in the coming months? At the moment large parts of the Northern Hemisphere are enjoying warm and humid conditions – and climate that is more scorching than cool (although the Alps have had snow fall over the last month).  We are in the promised heat wave as predicted by Piers Corbyn months ago – a very warm August. People like Joe Bastardi are predicting cooler average weather now we have exited most of the effects of the 2015 El Nino. It is of course weather – not climate. Climate is a geological and meteorological term to define weather during seasons and latitudes. Weather is what changes all the time – warm summer this year and cool summer next year, sunny days and wet weather days, mild winters and cold winters. They happen all the time – variation is the norm (unless you live in the Tropics).

How did weather become climate – go to http://wattsupwiththat.com and the post today by Tim Ball, climate scientist of the old school (and retired long time so does not benefit from any largesse).

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