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Human Continuity

4 March 2017

A study in the journal Science (see https://phys.org/print407677784.html ) concerns two archaic skulls uncovered in Xuchang in central China which appear to contradict some embedded ideas on the pristine origin of modern humans (wherever they might be found). The two skulls are dated back to 100,000 years ago but present a mosaic of features that seem to support regional continuity. Similarities exist with early modern humans across the ancient world – such as large brains and lightly built cranial vaults with modest brow ridges. Secondly, with Middle Pleistocene eastern Eurasian humans, they share a low and broad braincase, and thirdly, with western Eurasian Neanderthals – two distinct features. These are the arrangement of the rear of the skulls and the configuration of semi-circular root canals. What is inferred by this is that people in eastern Eurasia had already developed certain anatomical features prior to the Out of Africa migration so beloved by mainstream. They also preserve certain Neanderthal like traits – which may have been inherited from the Denisovans. 

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