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Alaska Muck

6 December 2017

An article to stir the blood of all those people impressed by Velikovsky's book 'Earth in Upheaval' published back in the 1950s. Impacted related microspherules in Late Pleistocene Alaska and Yukon muck deposits signify recurrent episodes of catastrophic emplacement (of the muck deposits as well as the microspherules). This may be explained by encounters with cometary debris in earth crossing orbits (such as the Taurid complex), generated by the fragmentation of a large comet with the inner solar system. See www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-16958-2 – authored by JT Hagstrum, RB Firestone, A West, JC Weaver and TC Bunch (published online 30th November 2017). Muck is a miner's term used to indicate frozen sediments (and silts) often containing large quantities of plant material and abundant vertebrate fossils that cover the gold bearing gravels they desired, located along rivers and streams and in valleys in Alaska and the Yukon. There was also substantial layers of loess – even on hill and mountains sides where no muck exists. The loess was laid down earlier than the muck as the latter has re-transported and mixed up the loess in the valley bottoms.


See also http://cosmictusk.com/cosmic-tusks-nature/

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