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Lunar Dust, Io, and Pluto

17 July 2018

Sent in by Robert – a new volcano on Io (recorded by the Juno mission) – got to https://astronomynow.com/2018/07/14/a-new-volcano-on-io-juno-data-indica… … Io is the most geologically active body in the solar system – and Juno is revealing new hot spots.

At https://phys.org/print449986550.html … the toxic side of the Moon. Lunar dust is made up of sharp, abrasive, particles that made the Apollo astronauts throats sore and their eyes water. It was described as lunar hay fever by some of the space community. At least 12 people that have stepped down on to the Moon have suffered sneezing bouts and nasal congestion. Inside the spacecraft the dust smelt like burnt gunpowder. On earth fine particles become smooth and rounded as a result of erosion by wind and water but lunar dust is sharp and glass like. Moon dust is also constantly bombarded by the Sun and is electrostatically chrged. This causes the dust to elevate above the ground – right in the face of astronauts. It seems it is not just lack of water thwarting a Moon colony but the dust is a big problem too.

At https://crev.info/2018/07/young-pluto-map/ … where Robert comments, Pluto must surely pose a problem to mainstream planetary geology – what heat source can drive such tectonics? The article concerns the maps of Pluto and Charon produced by the New Horizons team and offer up the idea this all proves Pluto is young (and therefore the earth it also young etc). However, the article does list some problems for mainstream as noted by Robert – not least mountains as high as Mt McKinley in Alaska and canyons deeper than the Grand Canyon, cliffs of razor sharp ice, and glacier flow across what looks like a flattish surface. In addition, a ridge and trough system wraps over half the globe from pole to pole. Charon is equally fascinating. It has cracks miles deep and the south pole has a red hue. How does this occur in a cold and remote region of the solar system? Obviously, there are other factors at play.. The web site takes its information form Astrobiology Magazine and we learn that the north pole on Charon is dominated by a large bsin 233 miles across filled with reddish material of some kind. The CREV autor says mainstream scientists are welded to the nebular hypothesis – the idea planets condensed out of a cloud of dust and gases. He then describes the idea that the planets have been dispersed – fairly recently. 

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