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22 July 2018

Sent in by Jovan. At www.skyandtelescope.com/astronomy-news/60-second-astronomy-news-must-see… …. a full array of 64 radio dishes that make up MeerKAT radion telescope was inaugurated on July 13th (2018). They released a streaming iamge of the Milky Way's central region, a panorama covering an area of 1000 light years by 500 light years …

   … the galactic centre lies in the constellation Sagittaurius, enshrouded in dust too thick for visible telescopes to penetrate. MeerKAT uses radio waves. Myssterious filaments have been detected.

When a near earth asteroid passed close to Earth back in June three radion telescopes teamed up to observe its passing by – and reveaed it was two objects to roughly equal mass. Both were as dark as charcoal. Are they remnants of a former comet – as comets are jet black on the surface (or at least some of them are, even Halley's Comet).

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