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Prehistoric Feasting

2 January 2020

At https://archaeologynewsnetwork.blogspot.com/2019/12/archaeologists-unear… … archaeologists have unearthed what appears to be dwellings at Dewerstone and White Tor on Dartmoor – going back to the early to middle Neolithic period.

At https://archaeologynewsnetwork.blogspot.com/2019/12/large-scale-feasts-a… … we have had feasting events at various Neolithic sites on mainland Britain – Durrington Walls springs to mind – and now we have evidence of feasting at the ancient capital of Ulster – Navan Fort. Pig, sheep, and cattle were brought from miles around  it has been proved, evidence that Irish society at the time was considerably mobile in nature.

At https://archaeologynewsnetwork.blogspot.com/2019/12/ancient-secret-of-st… … which refers to evidence of a lightning strike at a stone circle in the Hebrides – at Callanish. It was revealed when the site was cleared up, removing a layer of moss and peat that had accumulated over 4000 years, and getting back down to the ground that would have been there when the stones were erected. That was the secret that was revealed. Actual comment on the nature of the lightning marks is not forthcoming in these press releases – suggesting the question was not asked. How severe was the lightning strike. Did the stones actually invite the lightning to strike at the location or did the lightning occur prior to the circle and was commemorated by the erection of the stones. Lots of question unanswered.

The good news is the research is ongoing and in 2020 they intend to return to have another look around the area – including what is now under the sea. The  implication is that Callanish was a much bigger site than is currently envisaged.

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