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Coronavirus link to fireball ?

6 February 2020

An article submitted to The Lancet on February 3rd claims the coronavirus may have nothing to do with bats or snakes but may have arrived from space. Whilst the idea of a species shift from bats and snakes may have led one to think, if so, why has it not happened before, and why at this particular moment in time. Does this story really have legs. It comes on top of rumours and conspiracy theories which claim the epidemic is much worse than the Chinese authorities are letting on – which sounds a lot like western alarmism (getting out of the paper bag so to speak). At SIS we have a soft spot for Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe's theory of Panspermia – bacteria from space (and in particular new strains of the flu). This is not dissimilar to Velikovsky's vermin from space. Coronavirus appears to have a lot of factors in common with flu – and both can cause deaths (especially amongst the elderly and the weak). In fact, it is speculated there have been more flu deaths this year than deaths from coronavirus. The alarmist hype is of course once again a projection- it is going to become a pandemic and we're all going to die (where have we heard that before).

It will be interesting to see if The Lancet publish this as the motley and usual crew of conspiracy busters are actively rubbishing the idea as you read this. The short article goes on to say a bright fireball exploded over China back in October – and further, it claims the virus first broke out back in November (which may or may not be true). October is a good three months ago. They say that a fragment of a loose carbonaceous meteorite that crashed into the atmosphere could have delivered the virus, which has all the elements of a new one rather than an older virus that has rewired itself for another twirl. However, we may not that in the short few weeks of this year we have had fireballs over Germany and Poland, a fireball seen over Derby in the UK Midlands, and not so long ago over Puerto Rico, Florida, the east coast of the US, including Massachusetts, and back in December a spectacular fire ball over the Bering Sea (picked up by NASA). Why would one  fireball bring the virus and not the others?

The author goes on to quote Hoyle and Wickramasingue's theory of Panspermia and a recent paper by Huang et al which was published in The Lancet on January 24th 2020. See https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30183-5 ( https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIISO140-6736-(20)30183-5/fulltext )  … and a response to it by Cohen in the journal Science (on January 26th) – see https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abb0611 … which suggests there is evidence the new virus may  have arisen in locales beyond the city of Wuhan sea food and meat market. The author goes on to say the Coronavirus outbreak began in November – and continues into February.

See also www.space.com/china-midnight-meteor-brilliant-fireball-october-2019.html … which refers to the meteor in October 2019. They then go on to say we are in solar minimum (between soslar cycle 25 and 26) and sunspot minima, as we all know, coincides with a weakening of the interplanetary magnetic field (including near earth), and this, in turn, allows a greater number of cosmic rays to plow into the earth system (as far as the surface). He then mentions electrically charged bacteria and viruses, posing a link with plasma, as the magnetic field weakens.

See also Hoyle and Wickramasinghe, 'Diseases From Space' (1978) and variously EJ Steele et al 'Cause of the Cambrian Explosion;Terrestrial or Cosmic' – which is a reference to an explosion of life during the Cambrian geological era.  (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pbiomolbio.2019.08.010 … and Wickramasinghe, Steele, Wainwright, Tokoro and Fernando (2017) on sunspot minima and pandemics at https://doi.org/10.4172/2332-2519.1000159

For the article which may or may not be published see https://cosmictusk.com/corona-virus-from-space-wickramasinghe-and-hoyle/

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