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Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1997 Abstracts

Chronology & Catastrophism REVIEW 1997:1 Click here for cost

Solomon and Sheba, by Damien F. Mackey

New evidence is brought forward in support of Velikovsky’s ingenious thesis that Hatshepsut, the female pharaoh of Egypt’s 18th Dynasty, was in fact the biblical Queen of Sheba. That new evidence is the presence of Solomon himself in the Egyptian inscriptions in the person of Hatshepsut’s great Steward, Senemut. 


Habiru and Hebrew, by Dick Atkinson

It has been argued that the ‘habiru’ of the el-Amarna letters corresponds closely to [King] David’s Hebrews during the period of his outlawry and that the two words are linguistically related. Peter van der Veen argued that the precise socio-economic usages of the two terms in the el-Amarna letters and in the First and Second Books of Samuel were identical and otherwise unparalleled, giving grounds for synchronising the two sources. This support the New Chronology of David Rohl. This paper shows that there are severe problems with both the linguistic and sociological arguments. 


Shamir, by David Salkeld

The strange substance ‘shamir’ mentioned in Jewish legends has led to many theories. The idea that it might have been radioactive, possibly associated with impacts or lightning strikes, is discussed. 


Chronological Placements of the Dynasties of Manetho’s, by Jess E. Lasken

Jesse E. Lasken argues that Manetho’s dynasties should be treated as largely concurrent, regional kingdoms, rather than a consecutive series. 


Critique of David Rohl’s A Test of Time, by Dale Murphie

In this abridged extract, Dale F. Murphie argues that Rohl’s explanation of Nile flooding is wrong and [that] this undermines his key identifications.


Exodus, by Phillip Clapham

Phillip Clapham looks at the background and asks ‘who were the people of the Exodus?’ 

………… Were the Israelites in any way different from the Canaanites? In the view of the Deuteronomist they were – but was their difference religious, the difference between post-exile Judaism and pre-Exile pagan cults? ………….


Chronology & Catastrophism REVIEW 1997:2 Click here for cost

Planet in Crisis – The Earth’s Last 12,000 Years, by J. Bernard Delair

Summary – Earth’s geological record is sporadically punctuated by well marked catastrophic signatures, caused either by (i) limited activation of internal planetary mechanisms (e.g. earthquakes) generated by Earth itself, or by (ii) powerful external agencies (e.g. impacting cosmic objects interacting with Earth to cause global disruption. Purely terrestrial catastrophes can mostly be ascribed to crustal dislocation generated by more deep seated phenomena. They exhibit anomalous juxtapositions and reactions relative to theoretically ideal planetary behaviour and appear to be legacies of an earlier (but geologically recent) cosmic intrusion. The implications for standard uniformitarianism and catastrophism are discussed. It appears that most present terrestrial disturbances are aftermath effects of the last major cosmic visitation around 11,500 years ago. 


Worlds in Collision after Heinsohn, by William Mullen

Summary – What would happen to Velikovsky’s Worlds in Collision series of cosmic catastrophes if Gunnar Heinsohn’s re-dating of ancient history turned out to be correct? An investigation of this concludes that it would affect the dating of many of the key sources used by Velikosky, with major effects on his conclusions.


O-Kee-Pa: Catastrophe Myths and Rituals of the North American Mandan Indians, by Benny Peiser

In ‘O-Kee-Pa’, the Mandans linked legends of past catastrophe with a cruel initiation rite for their young men. Benny Josef Peiser investigates the meaning of this strange ritual. 


Shishak, the Kings of Judah and Some Synchronisms, by Michael Reade

Michael Reade examines synchronisms between Palestine and Egypt around the Divided Monarchy [period] and their relationship to the catastrophic era recorded by the Ninsianna Tablets. 
