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Chronology & Catastrophism Review 2000 Abstracts

Chronology & Catastrophism REVIEW2000 Click here for cost

The Proceedings of the SIS residential ‘Silver Jubilee Event’ (incorporating a conference on chronology & catastrophism. Easthampstead Park, 17th-19th September 1999).

Ancient History Revisions: the last 25 years – a Perspective, by John Crowe. 

………..The perspective of the history of ancient history revisionism offered here is drawn largely from the pages of SIS publications over the last 25 years. Other revisionist journals are also referred to in places and contributors to these have made a big contribution to the overall debate. However, the SIS [Review] is the longest running of these journals. Within its pages may be found the accumulated wisdom, sprinkled here and there with a little folly for good measure, of hundreds of contributors. Their collective arguments will, I hope, convince the unbiased reader that a major downdating of Egyptian chronology is the only way to resolve the hundreds of historical and archaeological anachronisms that have come to light over the last 150 years. …………..

This paper can be read in full online – click on ‘online papers’ in the left-hand menu of this page. . Click on ‘Online papers’ in the left-hand menu. 


Survey of Archaeological Evidence for a Revised Chronology, by John J. Bimson

A number of archaeological problems are surveyed, from the Middle Bronze Age to the end of the Iron Age, all of which point to the need for a revised chronology. In particular, problems occurring throughout the Iron Age in Palestine provide consistent evidence for lower dates than those currently in use. The changes needed to resolve these difficulties cannot be achieved without shortening the accepted Egyptian chronology. Where the evidence permits a comparison of the revisions offered in Centuries of Darkness and A Test of Time, the former emerges as the stronger candidate.


Evidence from the Moon, Newgrange and Stonehenge Indicates Lunar Disturbance, by Leonard Saunders 

Four features of the Moon, the carvings at the Newgrange passage grave, cup and ring marks elsewhere and the Station Stones at Stonehenge have defied detailed explanation. Prompted by the Newgrange carvings, a model is presented which accounts for all these conundrums: in historical times the plane of the Moon’s orbit slowly turned 1800 about the Earth. The sequence of events is identified.


The Importance of Outsiders in Science, by Bernard Newgrosh

Outsiders – people from outside the discipline – have contributed enormously during the history of science. To scientific outsiders we owe many of the laws of physics and chemistry, the foundation of new disciplines, innumerable inventions and vital discoveries. Herewith a roll-call of the most famous and important, with a discussion of the implications for our interdisciplinary studies.


Archetypes Showing the Presence of Anomalous Electromagnetic Activity, by Charles Raspil

There is evidence that, until quite recently, plasmic structures of varying lengths of stability or permanence were actually observed in the sky above Earth. So-called ‘comets’ observed and recorded in late Renaissance art were comparatively ephemeral and for the most part were manifestations of excess plasmic activity. The more permanent structures of plasma, mostly in the form of conglomerates of opposing magnetic fields, reflect both ancient art and myth. This presentation is intended as an introduction to the study of structures like these and to point out the possibility of a prior environment within the solar system, unlike the one we experience today.


Sirius and Saturn, by Lynn E. Rose

A more careful reading of the Canopus Decree enables us to retrocalculate Sothic dates much more precisely than ever before. Middle Kingdom lunar documents fail to fit in the second millennium but they do fit in the 4th century, with the IIII prt 16 heliacal rising of Sirius in -394. My ‘modified-Philolaos’ model (1979) remains viable today: Earth once orbited Saturn, always keeping the same face toward Saturn, which thus appeared stationary. Other ‘Saturn theories’ sometimes suffer from ‘northernism’, from an overcrowding of divinities, from too much myth and from the lack of any descriptive name ………………. 


The Demands of the Saturnian Configuration Theory, by Dwardu Cardona

The Saturnian theory proposes a line-up of the planets Saturn, Venus, Mars and Earth, all sharing the same axis of rotation. According to the mytho-historical record, this seemingly outrageous arrangement of planets existed in prehistoric times before it fell apart in a series of catastrophic events. In reconstructing the events in the formation and destruction of this configuration, certain demands which the theory raises have to be met. These events should also have left tell-tale marks on the terrestrial environment. 


The Electric Universe, by Wal Thornhill

The Electric Universe model forms a coherent new view of the universe. It highlights repeated electical patterns at all scales that enable laboratory experiments to explain the strange energetic events seen, for example, in deep space, on the Sun and on Jupiter’s moon, Io. The model follows Hannes Alfvén’s entreaty for scientists to work backwards from observations rather than forward from some idealised theoretical beginning. The Electric Universe takes full account of the basic electrical nature of atoms and their interactions. ……………… the Electric Universe can provide answers to many questions that seem unrelated. ………… The result is an exciting ‘Big Picture’ that emphasises our dramatic prehistory and essential connection with the universe. ……………….


The Saturn Theory, by Ev Cochrane

……….. The Saturn theory ……… posits that the neighbouring planets only recently settled into their current orbits, the Earth formerly being involved in a unique planetary configuration together with Saturn, Venus and Mars …………. The theory holds that the origin of ancient myth and religion – indeed the origin of the primary institutions of civilisation itself – is inextricably linked to the numinous appearance and evolutionary history of this unique congregation of planets. …………..


The Saturn Problem, by Peter J. James

The gods of the ancient world are complex quantitites not susceptible to a universal explanation. While we should be wary of over-concentrating on their astral aspect, the planetary role of many ancient gods is undeniable. The importance given to the planets in ancient pantheons, and in particular the prominence given to the outer planets Saturn and Jupiter, needs investigation. A simple mechanism is offered to account for many of the characteristics attributed to Saturn deities, and a catastrophist speculation offered to explain how the idea of a ‘divine succession’ of planetary deities many have started. 


Catastrophes: The Diluvial Evidence, by Trevor Palmer

Flood myths are found throughout the world. As late as the 17th century, one particular flood myth (that involving Noah) was regarded as the literal truth by almost everyone in Europe. In contrast, for most of the 20th century, very few scientists have been prepared to even consider the possibility that floods or other catastrophes may have occurred on a global scale. Now that we can examine the evidence with greater objectivity, it is clear that, although the continents have not been covered by water during the time that humankind has lived on the Earth, there have nevertheless been some large-scale catastrophic floods. Two particular periods of interest are the Pleistocene-Holocene transition and the beginning of the Late Holocene. Many questions still remain unanswered about the events at these times.
