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Chronology & Catastrophism Review Vols. VIII (1986) And IX (1987) Abstracts

Chronology & Catastrophism REVIEW Vol. VIII, 1986 Click here for cost

  – Special SIS10th Anniversary Tour of Egypt Issue.

Hatshepsut and the Queen of Sheba: A Critique of Velikovsky’s Identifcation and an Alternative View, by Dr. John Bimson

In Ages in Chaos, Velikovsky ingeniously identifies Egypt’s female Pharaoh Hatshepsut with the biblical Queen of Sheba [1]. One scholar has described this identification as ‘worked out in great and convincing detail’ [2] – an impression which this writer shared until recently. While in Egypt in January 1981, I had the opportunity of paying two prolonged visits to Hatshepsut’s mortuary temple at Deirl el-Bahri ……………………………………..


Shoshenq I and the Traditions of New Kingdom Kingship in Egypt, by Michael Jones

Shoshenq I was perhaps the most significant builder of Egypt’s Third Intermediate Period. Here, Michael Jones deals with his many works, and in particular the Bubastite Portal, …………..


The Bubastite Portal: Evidence Against Velikovsky’s Placement of Ramesses II in the Late 7th Century, by David Rohl

Dr Velikovsky, in the last two volume of his Ages in Chaos series, Ramses II and His Time and Peoples of the Sea, proposed that the kings of the 19th Dynasty in Egypt were in fact one and the same as Manetho’s kings of the 26th Saite Dynasty. ………….. In spite of earlier criticisms of Velikovsky’s arrangement for these kings, based on both genealogical and historical evidence, there still remain advocates of this part of his chronological revision. I intend here, therefore, to provide a third argument which, to me at least, appears to be as convincing a proof against a late placement for the Ramesside period as can be brought to bear on the question. In this case, the evidence can be looked at, climbed around and prodded by anyone who cares to visit Egypt, and in particular the Great Temple at Karnak. Indeed, this is precisely what the SIS party did during the 1984 Tour of Egypt ………. The monument we had spent so much time investigating is commonly known as the ‘Bubastite Portal’ and is a gateway built into the Great Court from the south. Here was an opportunity to test Dr. Velikovsky’s hypothesis at first hand …………….


Shoshenq and Shishak: A Case of Mistaken Identity, by Dr. John Bimson

Introduction: The Importance of the Question – Research by members of the SIS into Egypt’s Third Intermediate Period (hereafter TIP), comprising the 21st-25th Dynasties (c. 1100-664 BC in the conventional chronology), has been underway for several years now. It was recognised ….. that Velikovsky’s reorganisation of Egyptian Dynasties, which places the 22nd-25th Dynasties between the 18th and 19th [1], is unacceptable, being contradicted by both archaeological and textual evidence. Research was therefore focused on ways in which the TIP might be accommodated into the so-called Glasgow Chronology’s dates for the 19th and 20th Dynasties (which in turn were dependent on Velikovsky’s dating of the 18th Dynasty) [2] ………….


Chronology & Catastrophism REVIEW Vol. IX, 1987 Click here for cost

Return to the Tippe-Top, Part I, by Peter Warlow

Peter Warlow replies to his critics with special reference to the evidence from the ‘astronomical’ ceiling of Senmut, architect to Hatshepsut. This article forms the basis of the talk Peter gave to the SIS AGM in November 1987 and includes an extended preview of his long-awaited response to Victor Slabinski. 

Contrary to numerous comments in Kronos, my tippe-top model of Earth reversals provides a perfect framework within which to set Velikovsky’s Worlds in Collision scenario. ………….Criticism of the tippe-top model by Kronos contributors appears to hinge upon two key points. These are: a) the relationship of the tippe-top model to the situation apparently depicted in the [ancient Egyptian] Senmut ceiling decoration, and b) the apparent impossibility of explaining the achievement of such a reversal in dynamic terms. I shall concentrate upon these two aspects of the problem. In Part One of this paper I shall dispose of the Senmut ceiling objection. The dynamics of the problem will be dealt with in Part Two. ……..

Dynamics – A Preview [of Part Two, forthcoming]:– Having disposed of Rose’s Senmut ceiling objection, we may now turn to the dynamic problem …………. there seem to have been two distinctly different responses to Slabinski’s objection – ………….. Just before we consider these responses, however, it is worth noting that Ellenberger and Cardona, and Slabinski, all concurred with Rose’s objection, the one we have just seen to be erroneous. …………. The essential point that everyone must realise is that Slabinski’s dynamic objection is not just an objection to the tippe-top. It is an objection to any and all inversion scenarios, especially those involving an east-west reversal. ……… In effect, what Slabinski implies is that if you can’t have a tippe-top reversal, you can’t have any east-west reversal and, in consequence, you can’t have Velikovsky. ……….. Fortunately, the picture is by no means as black as Slabinski paints it, and it is well worth noting …………


The Foundations of the Assyro-Babylonian Chronology, by Carl Olof Jonsson

Examining the nature of the evidence underpinning the chronologies of the Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian period, this article is a major challenge to those who would ‘revise’ the later chronology of Mesopotamia.


Physics, Astronomy and Chronology, Part I: Radiometric Chronometries, by Earl R. Milton 

A re-examination and a challenge to the currently accepted radiometric dating methods, with special reference to Uranium-Lead and Carbon 14 methods. Earl Milton provides theoretical reasons why these methods may be unsound.


An Integrated Model for an Earthwide Event at 2300 BC, Part II: The Climatological Evidence, by Moe M. Mandelkehr

……………. The climatological evidence in this article shows very distinct climatic changes at that time [2300 BC] which could have been a major stimulus for … migrations. Furthermore, the climatic changes were most likely to have been brought about by a global temperature drop which has also been established at about 2300 BC. The somewhat unique nature of this temperature decrease may provide a link to the determination of the overall causal event, to be discussed in a later article. The climatic change which took place around 2300 BC is clearly discernible; it took the form of a global cooling, with substantial trends towards either increased wetness or dryness in all regions of the Earth. ……………………………………..


The Cautious Revolutionary, by Trevor Palmer 

The essays of Stephen Jay Gould, which have appeared monthly in Natural History since 1974, have a deserved reputation for sparkle, perception, controversy and common-sense. ……….. Several [of his] essays are concerned with establishing that many scientific controversies in the past have been resolved near Aristotle’s ‘golden mean’, even though modern textbooks may give the impression that one side had won the argument conclusively. A typical example is the catastrophism-uniformitarianism debate. In Gould’s opinion, ………..
