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Chronology & Catastrophism Review Vols. X (1988) and XI (1989) Abstracts

Chronology & Catastrophism REVIEW Vol. X, 1988                     Click here for cost


The Military Strategy of Shoshenq/Shishak in Palestine, by  Dr William H. Shea


In response to Dr. John Bimson’s critique of the Shoshenq=Shishak equation, Dr Shea has re-examined the evidence of the Bubastite Portal, which gives details of Shoshenq’s campaign in Palestine. His remarkable new interpretation confronts the revised chronologies.



An Integrated Model for an Earthwide Event at 2300 BC: Part III, the Geological Evidence, by Moe M. Mandelkehr


In the third of his series of articles examining the evidence for a major disruption at or around 2300 BC, Moe Mandelkehr has amassed a wealth of geological data in support of his thesis. His impressive catalogue of data constitutes a challenge both to uniformitarians (who have to explain the disruptions) and to catastrophists (who have to indicate their source.) 



The El-Amarna Letters and the New Chronology, by David Rohl and Bernard Newgrosh


A successful revised chronology for the ancient Near East must take into account the evidence of the el-Amarna Letters. This paper re-examines their witness and compares it to the best source on Palestine – the Old Testament – finding dramatic parallels in the Early Monarchy period. Thus, the controversial ‘New Chronology’ receives major support.



Erratic Events in the Solar System, by Eric W. Crew


The past history of the solar system has been characterised by erratic events, contends Eric Crew. His computer simulations, previously described in Kronos, support this view. In this paper he briefly outlines his ideas and work, as presented in a talk to the AGM of the Society in Spring 1988. 



Formation of Chondritic Meteorites and the Solar System, by Wal Thornhill


Chondritic meteorites are an enigma to scientists – they have so many apparently inexplicable features. Adopting Eric Crew’s core expulsion theory, Wal Thornhill is able to account for all their peculiar properties and to explain their formation. This revolutionary thesis has far-reaching implications for the study of the history of the solar system. (His talk to the AGM of the Society in Spring 1988 was based on this paper). 



Nemesis for Gradual Evolution?, by Dr. Trevor Palmer


Evolution – has it been gradual or episodic? Dr. Palmer conducts a thorough examination of the literature and discovers that gradualism is steadily losing ground to its catastrophist rival: even the recently advocated ‘Nemesis’ theories do not seem to be able to stem the tide of catastrophism. 



El-Amarna Excursuses, by David Rohl, Bernard Newgrosh and Peter van der Veen


Further notes concerning the synchronisation of the Egyptian Amarna and Israelite Early Monarchy periods.



Chronology & Catastrophism REVIEW Vol. XI, 1989                     Click here for cost


Shoshenq’s Palestinian Campaign a Reply to Shea, by Dr. John J. Bimson 


Disputing Dr. Shea’s novel interpretation of Shoshenq’s list, Dr. Bimson re-examines the place names and shows that problems remain for the identification of this pharaoh with the biblical Shishak. 



Towards a New Evolutionary Thesis, by Dr. Trevor Palmer


What are the major ideas in evolution today, and where are they leading? Dr. Palmer examines current evolutionary thinking, and its history, and finds a diversity of ideas in a synthesis which is as yet incomplete.  



Drayson’s Hypothesis: the Earth’s Tilt Cycle, by Dr. Richard Huggett


The tilt cycle hypothesis of Alfred W. Drayson, a 19th century catastrophist, is re-evaluated by Dr. Huggett and found wanting. Drayson attracted quite a following, his works continuing to be cited even recently by authors who were probably not familiar with his writings. An article of interest to those who study the history of catastrophism, it also has important lessons for those who study scientific behaviour



Some Thoughts on Inversion Calculations, by Terry Field


The first of two articles in this issue contineing the debate between Peter Warlow and Victor Slabinski – can the Earth invert in the manner of a tippe-top? Terry Field presents the case for calculations to be based, not on a rigid Earth model (as Slabinski), but on a more realistic fluid one: a 50-fold reduction in the mass of the passing cosmic body is possible.


  [summary – ‘Contents’ page]  [summary – ‘Contents’ page] 

Objections Overruled – a Reappraisal of Earth Inversion Dynamics, by David Salkeld

In the second of the two articles on the tippe-top debate, David Salkeld criticises Slabinski’s critiques of Warlow. Whilst finding faults in Warlow’s original paper, he finds major errors in Slabinski’s dynamics and concludes that Slabinski has not demonstrated the impossibility of a tippe-top Earth inversion under the gravitational influence of a passing cosmic body.



The River of Ocean, by Dwardu Cardona 


In the third of the series of articles on ‘planetary identities’, Dwardu Cardona concentrates on the celestial serpent and its relation to the ocean  – the celestial ocean – and makes some intriguing tie-ins with the Saturn scenario.   



The Historicity of the Homeric Poem and Traditions, by David Rohl 


This, the first of three essays on ancient Greece in the light of the ‘New Chronology’, argues for the abolition of the Dark Ages of Greece and for Homer’s reinstatement as a near contemporary of the Trojan War
