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Chronology & Catastrophism Review Vols. XII (1990) and XIII (1991) Abstracts

Chronology & Catastrophism REVIEW Vol. XII, 1990 Click here for cost

[This issue also contains a Letters section ‘continuing the exchange of views begun in Review vol. XI. T. William Field and David Salkeld debate the mechanics of inversion of the tippe-top (as it relates to an Earth inversion in the Warlow hypothesis); …….’] 

Homeric Troy and the Greek Dark Age, by Dwardu Cardona

Should Homer’s Illiad be seen as an accurate historical account? Whilst agreeing with David Rohl on the need to abolish the non-existent Dark Age of Greece, Dwardu Cardona argues that the Illiad is nothing but a poetic saga and that Homer’s Troy has yet to be discovered. 


Essays on Early Greek History in the light of the New Chronology – Essay Two:The Greek Colonisation Movement – When and Why?, by David Rohl

The reasons why the ancient Greeks went overseas and founded colonies in the Aegean and Italy are explored, and the question is asked ‘when’ this occurred. David’s chronological revision varies significantly from that of Velikovsky, although both find that many problems and anomalies are solved with a lowering of the orthodox chronology.


The Erratic Descent of Man, by Dr. Trevor Palmer

In studying the evolution of one species there are lessons to be learnt about evolution in general. Here, Dr. Palmer concentrates on Man, discovering that although Man has been particularly extensively studied, surprisingly few firm conclusions can be drawn concerning his descent.


Interdsciplinary Indiscipline, by Dick Atkinson

In this article, Velikovsky’s early critics and detractors are scrutinised by a non-Velikovskian. Famous names in the scientific world are here associated with the infamous words written or uttered by them, with particular reference to Isaac Asimov and those who have cited him as an ‘authority’. 



Early 21st Dynasty Genealogy and the Consequences of Redating the Installation of HPA Pinudjem I to ca. Year 1 of Psusennes I, by Jeremy Goldberg

In his detailed study of the complexities of the genealogy of the 21st Dynasty, Jeremy Goldberg argues for a radical revision of the currently accepted scheme of things. In so doing, he finds himself at odds with the ‘New Chronology’ even though the direction of his revision is also towards a lower chronology. Central to his argument is the relationship between the installation of HPA Pinudjem I and Year I of Psusennes I; consequent upon it would be an overlap between Dynasties 20 and 21 plus a revision of the currently accepted relationship between Dynasties 21 and 22. 


Chronology & Catastrophism REVIEW Vol. XIII, 1991 Click here for cost

Earth Tectonics Viewed from Rock Mechanics, by Prof. Melvin A. Cook

According to Carey’s Rheid theory, which underpins modern Continental Drift theory, even granite will flow like a liquid given enough time. Prof. Cook offers his alternative based on the science of rock mechanics, a rapid split of the primordial super-continent. 


The Archaeology of Shiloh and Pottery Chronology, by Bob Porter

Bob Porter examines the excavation reports for Shiloh, noting some chronological anomalies. In resolving these he produces a radically new interpreetation of pottery chronology for the MB/LB/Iron ages.

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Should the European Oak Dendrochronologies be Re-examined?, by Jesse Lasken

In the first of three articles reviewing dendrochronology and calibrated radiocarbon dates, Jesse Lasken questions the soundness of the Irish and German oak chronologies and their independence, both from one another and from the Bristlecone Pine chronology in the USA. 


Calibrated Radiocarbon and ‘the Methodological Fault-Line’, by Bernard Newgrosh

Examines the difficulties caused, even for conventional historians, by the application of calibrated radiocarbon dates. 


A Bit Creaky? – Tree Rings, Radiocarbon and Ancient History, by Alasdair Beal

In another critical examination of the statistics and methodology of the dendrochronologists, Alasdair Beal argues for an interdisciplinary approach to the problem of absolute dating. 
