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SIS Workshop Vols. 3 and 4 Abstracts

SIS WORKSHOP Vol.3:1, 1980 Click here for cost

Io, Europa and Venus – All Recently Stabilised Additions to the Solar System, by R. D. MacKinnon

In Workshop Vol. 2 no. 4 (1980), p. 8, the Monitor section reports on Jupiter’s moon, Io, describing it according to one journal as “the strangest object yet seen in the solar system” [1]. To account for the vulcanism on Io the tract indicates that as this moon tunnels its path through the enormous Jovian magnetic field a huge current is generated, giving rise to some 1012 watts of heat which must be “dissipated within or near the satellite”. What is not emphasised is ……….


David, Detente and Pharaoh’s Daughter, by Clark Whelton

Velikovsky’s Revised Chronology proposes a period of Egyptian-Israelite friendship (if not outright alliance) during the reigns of Saul, David and Solomon. R. M. Amelan and B. O’Gheoghan support this hypothesis [1] in their discussion of how a boundary stela of Thutmose I could have been erected near the Euphrates River at a time when the Revised Chronology presumes this area to have been under Israelite control. Amelan and O’Gheoghan’s ideas have merit, but …………………….


SIS WORKSHOP Vol. 3:2, 1980 Click here for cost

Running Rings Round the Giants, by Malcom Lowery

In the last two years the planet Saturn has suffered an unenviable fate. It has been found not to be unique after all. Long supposed to be the only body in the solar system – possibly in the cosmos – to possess a ring, it has now been joined (since 1977) by Uranus and – as a result of Voyager I’s curiousity – by Jupiter. A propos this latter finding, ………………..


Some Notes on the Revised Chronology: Part One, by Lester J. Mitcham

I believe that a number of identifications made in and following from Dr. Velikovsky’s chronological revisions are the result of misinterpretations and misquotes. I should like to take this opportunity to correct some of them. I further believe that the correct application of certain data will result in a chronological revision vastly different from Dr. Velikovsky’s. …………………1. In Kronos III:3, p. 13, Velikovsky states:- “However, Herodotus also gave a second name of the Egyptian king who opposed Sennacherib. He called him Sethos and Psammetich. He said that after the departure of the Ethiopian king Sabacos (Shabaka) from Egypt, Sethos became king; but in another place he said that, after the departure of the Ethiopian king Sabacos Psammetich (“for the second”) became king (2).” ‘(2)’ refers to Herodotus II, 141 and 152. Later he adds:- ……………………. Reference to Herodotus reveals that passage 141 deals with the Vulcan priest-king Sethos. Passage 147 has Egypt divided into 12 districts, one of which was ruled by Psammetich. The vital passage, 152, has Psammetich being driven out for a second time by the other 11 kings, (the time of his first exile being on the death of his father). There is no suggestion that Sethos and Psammetich were even related – let alone one and the same! ………….. I challenge this quite unacceptable identification. ……………………


East is East?, by Brian Moore

SISR has published several articles discussing the possible inversions of the Earth. In Mexican and Central American Mythology (by I. Nicholson, Hamlyn) there is a discussion of the Codex Fejervary-Mayer including the following passage:

In the Codex painting, the centre is represented by the god Tepeyollotl, the Heart of the Mountain, one of the Lords of the Night who ruled over part of the Aztec calendar. Around this figure, the four Tezcatlipocas revolve. Curiously, however, while east is placed at the top of the page, north is to the east’s right and not to the left as we would normally expect. ………………………..

Is the Earth a tippe-top? 


Ankylosis in the Chronology of Reconstructed History?,by Christoph Marx 

During a course on ‘Elements of Assyrian and Babylonian Chronology’ [1], I took the opportunity to look at the fact that most of the chronologies around the Mars catastrophes have been linked to the date 15th June, – 763, the day of a solar eclipse mentioned in the Eponym Lists [2]. These again have been linked to Greek and Roman chronology by way of the Ptolemaic Canon of Babylonian kings, “the correctness of which is proved by the lunar eclipses mentioned in the Almagest” [3], and through the Babylonian King List A with three rulers being kings of Babylon and Assyria at the same time. Three lunar eclipses are given for the years -721 and -720. The Ptolemaic Canon, which links our own to the ancient chronology, is built upon the Egyptian Calendar with years of 365 days only. The effect of all this is to fix the chronologies of all nations of the ancient near east for many centuries by the date -763. ………………….. Because of the method of derivation of this data, it cannot be accepted within the framework of a reconstructed chronology; ………………


The Father of the Gods?, by Martin Sieff 

In ‘The Primordial Light’ it was suggested that the Earth may have orbited as a satellite of Saturn within human memory, and that conditions then observed may have been retained in the mythologies of the peoples. Indeed, the evidence was presented to argue that this is the only viable interpretation [of] the material when analysed by the methodology of Dr. Velikovsky [1]. Actually, there is considerable ‘hard’ astrophysical evidence to support the hypothesis that the solar system was once a Sun-Saturn Binary [2]. ………………..


SIS WORKSHOP Vol. 3:3, 1981 Click here for cost

Voyager: Questions and Answers, by Martin Sieff

Why has Saturn’s moon Mimas a huge 80 mile diameter crater with a raised peak in the middle? – Because it received a massive electrical discharge, probably from Jupiter, similar to those that caused crater/raised peak effects on the Moon and Mars. (See R. Juergens, ‘Of the Moon and Mars’ ……………..Why are the outer (F-) ring of Saturn’s dust-size particles “braided”, so “defying the laws of orbital mechanics”? – Because they are electrically charged, and, with so small mass, are heavily influenced by Saturn’s EM field. ………….Why is Titan warm? ……..When was Titan shrouded in nitrogen? ……………Where did that nitrogen come from? …………………..Why does Saturn have an oval-shaped red spot, similar to but smaller than Jupiter’s (Great) Red Spot? – Because Saturn’s satellites, too, were eruptively ejected from the core of the planet, qua Vsekhsviatskii, Warlow & Crew. What holds Saturns rings in place, ……………………………..


A Chronological Chart of Religious Movements, by Kirk L. Thompson

In this paper I wish to present a chronological chart, make some remarks on it, and raise some questions concerned with its implications. I certainly do not intend this as a “deep” interpretation. Besides, on a more-or-less historical level, the chart is self-explanatory………… Figure 1 is a chronological chart principally covering religious movements from c. 1500 BC to the present. ………… To the left .. are set out two ‘Velikovskian’ intervals. ……. The other is the interval between the Exodus and the ‘ra’ash’ which occurred in the reign of King Uzziah, 747 BC. ……………..


Confirmation of Dr. Velikovsky’s Theories Regarding Electromagnetic and Electrostatic Forces in Celestial Mechanics, by Ian C. Johnson

1. ‘Cometary Collisions on the Moon and Mercury’ by P. H. Schultz & L. J. Srnka in Nature, 6/3/80, pp. 22-6. This article was summarised in Workshop 2:4, p. 9, but I wish to present a different gloss. …………………… 2. It is 11th November 1980, and the Voyager I mission is being broadcast live from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Saturn has 15 moons (and counting?) and its ring system 300-500 divisions (and possibly 1,000 or so). It seems obvious that satellite-Saturn ring particle gravitational reasonance is inadequate to account for the complex structure of the rings as found on Voyager I. ………………….. 3. 13th November, and Bradford Smith, head of the Voyager I camera team, commented on the braided appearance of the outer F ring: “We may have to develop a whole new breed of celestial mechanics ….” to explain ” … the strangest thing I’ve ever seen.” Indeed, and ………………… 4. Confirmation of one of Velikovsky’s predictions – See Pensée, May 1972, p. 23: “Pluto’s mass is insufficient to produce the observed perturbations in Neptune’s and Uranus’s orbits.” In 1977, the discoveries of methane ice on Pluto and …………………….


Some Notes on the Revised Chronology, by Lester J. Mitcham

…… Velikovsky has not yet published his views on the problem of the 14th century Ashuruballit I being a correspondent of the 9th century Amarna Pharaohs (see Peter James: “Some Notes on the Assuruballit Problem”, SIS Review IV:1, pp. 18-22 – Ed.) [Donovan] Courville, in noting a genealogical discrepancy involved in accepting the 14th century Assyrian king of this name as the author of these letters, breaks off in his quote from Luckenbill, just short of the explanation regarding Assur-nadin-ahe. ………………………. To Martin Sieff’s excellent paper in SIS Review II:3, arguing in favour of two Jehorams, I would add that the very basis of Velikovsky’s Revised Chronology is the strongest argument against accepting only one Jehoram. ……………..


SIS WORKSHOP Vol. 3:4, 1981 Click here for cost

The Thermal Equations of Venus, by Eric Crew

A useful elementary introduction to the subject of heat balance of planets is included in Atmospheres by R. M. Goody and J. G. C. Walker (Prentice-Hall, 1972). Some of the quoted values have been modified in the light of subsequent observations, which will be noted later. ……… Planets absorb heat from the Sun and lose heat by radiation into space. Some of the solar heat is reflected back to space by an amount depending on the albedo of the planet. Earth’s albedo …………………………………….


Did Venus as a Protoplanet ever look like a “Comet”?, by Chris Marx

Velikovsky, in his Worlds in Collision and elsewhere, usually calls Venus a “comet”, certainly from the time of her birth from Jupiter until the great catastrophe about -1450. At that time, presumably thousands of years after eruption from Jupiter, the peoples of the world saw two deities: the light-god, according to Velikovsky the ‘head’ of the ‘comet’, and the serpent, its ‘tail’. But considering the evolution the protoplanet must have undergone since its eruption, the term ‘comet’ does not seem appropriate. It is inconceivable, for example, that the body of the proptoplanet would not have drawn surrounding matter closely around or onto itself; or lost other matter into space or, due also to its paramagnetic properties (at temperatures above Curie-point) to other bodies or electric fields. Thus the ‘errant star’, to use a better term, would have offered a symmetrical image most of the time, except during a relatively short period after eruption, when moving …………………………… Some schematic views of possible phases succeeding each other are offered for comment and criticism: …………………………………. 


The Dragon in Myth and Folklore, by Martin Sieff

The Norse Eddas commemorate the clash at World’s End, on the day of Ragnarok, between Thor, the thunderbolt-wielding light god, and Jormungardur, the Midgard Serpent, the great snake gaping in the heaven above ” … a pageant went on in the sky which presented itself to the horrified onlookers on earth as a gigantic battle”. [1] This pageant is enshrined elsewhere in the world in descriptions of such epic battles as those between Isis and Seth (Egyptian mythology), Vishnu and the serpent (Hindu), Zeus and Typhon (Greek), Anat and Lotan (Ugaritic), ……………..Velikovsky identifies the conflict between the light-bearing hero and the multi-headed, fire-scattering serpent or dragon as the celestial drama when the proto-planet Venus was in catastrophic contact with the Earth. Then, the tail of the comet became entangled with the head and was repeatedly repelled by a series of electrical discharges. [2] ……………………..


SIS WORKSHOP Vol. 4:1, 1981  Click here for cost

Falls of Blood from Venus, by Bernard Newgrosh

Dr Velikovsky has produced numerous citations from ancient sources to show how falls of a blood-like substance occurred when a ‘new’ comet (later to become the planet Venus) came into catastrophic contact with the Earth: … the Manuscript Quiche of the Maya, the so-called Papyrus Ipuwer from Egypt and the Book of Exodus all record the fact that the water in the rivers was turned into “blood” ………….. What was its nature? ……. Now it is quite possible, as Dr Velikovsky suggests, for this to have been a ferruginous pigment. ……. However, traces of iron-staining on stone and brick edifices of these ages are not to be found and this militates against the idea of an inorganic pigment which would have been long lived and in favour of an organic and therefore more readily decomposed pigment. ……………………. It is against this background that we should consider an experiment perfomed by S. L. Miller in 1953. On the suggestion of H. C. Urey he took a mixture of water, hydrogen, methane and ammonia ………………….and ran an electrical discharge through it continuously for a week. ………………


Assuruballit in His Time, by Lester J. Mitcham

In expoloring the problem of the identification of the author of two letters from a king of Assyria, Mr. James has outlined several alternatives [1]. None of these would appear to be really satisfactory………………………


Weinert’s Hypothesis, by Frederick B. Jueneman

This past spring, George F. Weinert, a senior at Seneca Valley High School in Germantown, MD, became a semi-finalist in the annual Westinghouse Science Talent Search competition with a mathematical paper on celestial dynamics. This [Weinert’s] paper is an excellent, thoroughgoing effort to explore the perturbating effects of a planetary near-encounter. What makes it particularly remarkable is that the basic premise is drawn from Velikovsky’s Worlds in Collision in conjunction with the biblical account of the Exodus – an account which, in part, Velikovsky himself had used when he constructed his cosmological scenario of catastrophe in the 15th century BCE. Weinert’s major findings, ……………………..


The Hittites in Israel, by Martin Sieff

The Book of Kings contains the following account of the end of the seige of Samaria by the Syrian army during the troubled reign of Jehoram, son of Ahab, king of Israel:

For the Lord had made the host of the Syrians to hear a noise of chariots, and a noise of horses, even the noise of a great host: and they said one to another, “Lo, the king of Israel hath hired against us the kings of the Hittites, and the kings of the Egyptians to come upon us.”

Wherefore they arose and fled in the twilight, and left their tents, and their horses, and their asses, even the camp as it was, and fled for thier life (2 Kings 7:6-7).

Velikovsky comments, in the light of his Revised Chronology: “We know that the fear of the Syrians at the walls of Samaria was not groundless. The king of Israel really negotiated for the departure of archers from Egypt.” [1] …………………


SIS WORKSHOP Vol. 4:2, 1981 Click here for cost

Kentish Catastrophes, by Jill Abery

A gravel quarry in Kent has recently been the scene of a find that is extremely difficult to explain in conventional geological terms. Gravel deposits can be the remains of old sea beaches or river banks, in which case they consist of well-sorted, clean gravel. They can also be deposits of mixed dirt and stones left behind after the retreat of a glacier. Kent, however, has many of a third sort, very mixed desposits not associated with the old Thames or Medway river beds and not explicable as glacier deposits, for the “Ice Age” ice sheets did not extend south of the Thames estuary. These gravels, known as ‘head’ deposits, are explained as the accumulation of a slow downward flow of surface materials, repeatedly frozen and thawed out each year while the area was on the fringes of a glaciation. ………………………….. One of these deposits, near Faversham, has been ………………………………………… The first orthodox problem of this, and similar deposits, is that they also contain many remains of ‘Ice Age’ mammals. Bones and teeth of rhinoceros, mammoth, bison, deer and horse are found so frequently ……………………. 


Assyria and the End of the Late Bronze Age, by Martin Sieff

What happened at the end of the Late Bronze Age? Why and how did the Hittite Empire fall? Stratigraphic evidence shows that the Hittite Empire, Ugarit, and the other Late Bronze Age centres of Palestine, Syria, Anatolia and Cyprus were destroyed at the same time. The Hittite archives from Boghazkoi appear to describe defence preparations, as if an invasion was imminent, and then are silent. In Greece, too, archaeology has revealed widespread seige preparations at this time. What was happening? …………………………………………………..


The Beaker Folk, Survivors of Catastrophe?, by W. L. Goodman

One of the problems of Old-World prehistory is the sudden emergence, in widely-separated areas of Western and Central Europe, of the Beaker Folk; so called from the pottery found in their graves, known as Bell Beakers. These pots are now regarded as being a later form of the beakers in the single graves of the Corded Ware/Battle Axe people who had been farming and stock-raising on the North European Plain down to the end of the Neolithic Period. …………………….. In his recent book The Beaker Folk [1], Richard Harrison rejects the culture theory and offers what he calls ………………… One possible solution to the problem may be that they were survivors of one of [the] Venus encounters and the special pottery ………………………… 


Some Religious Themes in the Light of Velikovskia et alia, by Hugh Eggleton

Thrones were set in place and one of great age took his seat. His robe was white as snow, the hair of his head as pure as wool. His throne was a blaze of flames, its wheels were a burning fire. A stream of fire poured out, issuing from its presence. A thousand thousand waited on him, ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him. A court was held and the books were opened. – Daniel 7:9-10 (Jerusalem Bible) 

 The studies I have made of the works of Velikovsky and [Dave] Talbott have led me to some radical conclusions concerning the origins of the Jewish faith: of these the most astounding is that it was originally a Sun-Saturn cult. ……………………………………..


SIS WORKSHOP Vol. 4:3, 1981 Click here for cost

A Solution for the Third Intermediate Period of Egypt, by Phillip Clapham 

……… Lester Mitcham has writen a penetrating criticism which appears to undermine considerable areas of Velikovsky’s revised chronology. [1]. In the first point he makes, he shows that Velikovsky’s quotation from Herodotus is not completely accurate …………………… It is a central synchronism of Velikovsky’s revision that “Pharaoh So” of the biblical narrative should be identified with Shoshenq of the 22nd Dynasty. …………In 716 BC Sargon II of Assyria received gifts from Shilkanni (an Osorkon), … suggesting that by that date Osorkon I had acceded to the throne of Egypt. This conclusion leads me to hypothesis that the late 19th-Dynasty pharaohs were subordinate in some fashion to those of the 22nd Dynasty. ………………….


 ”’L‘Limited Fusion’ and ‘Anode Stars’, by Martin Sieff

In a covering note to my article ‘The Father of the Gods’ (SIS Workshop 3:2) which I did not see in advance, it was claimed that: “The Sieff hypothesis is incompatible with that of R. E. Juergens and his electromagnetic model for the Solar System.” Although I proposed several hypotheses in the paper, the writer did not specify which of these was incompatible with Jurgens’ model, nor why it should be so. I presume that he was referring to the hypotheses either; (a) that the Sun was originally part of a binary system …………….., or (b) that the gas giant planets contain heavy element cores created by ‘limited fusion’ processes within them. Neither of these hypothesis is incompatible with Jurgens’ electromagnetic model. Concerning (a), Jurgens himself has suggested that such a model in the pages of the SIS Review[1]. He suggested that Saturn, with Earth ……….


Did Saturn Explode Twice?, by Hugh Eggleton

In Kronos V:1 and the works of David Talbott, we are presented with overwhelming evidence that prior to Noah’s flood, Saturn, which was then a star, became a nova. In Kronos III:3 Dwardu Cardona outlines a similar picture involving Saturn but he places Saturn’s “flare up” at the so-called dawn of creation which implies that Talbott’s “sun of night” would have been an already spent star. Since Cardona’s theory is also well founded, it is time to ask the question: did Saturn explode twice? ……………The main difference between the works of Velikovsky and Talbott and the work of Cardona……………………


Phoebus Apollo – Aspect of Venus, by Elizabeth Gaudry

It is possible to reconcile the various answers given to this question in SISW 4:1, p. 22, by calling Apollo ‘Lord of the Zodiac’ which signifies a positon rather than a particular deity. Before this can be done, however, it must be pointed out that J. Abery does not complete her quotation from Robert Graves, which should continue: ” … Typhon, the Greek God Set”. …………………….


SIS WORKSHOP Vol. 4:4, 1982 Click here for cost 

A Date Correction for Ramses II, by Lester J. Mitcham

I wish to challenge the dates proposed by the Glasgow chronologist for Ramses II. Messrs James, Bimson and Gammon have defined the first 18 years of the reign of Ramses II as being the years 804-786 BC, [1] and regard these dates as fitting into the known pattern of the wars between Syria and Israel, at a time when Ramses II would have been militarily active in this region. In his 5th regnal year Ramses II battled against the Hittite king Mutawallis at Kadesh: this would have occurred in 800 BC according to the Glasgow chronology. I propose to demonstrate that this date is incompatible with the evidence. …………………


Thoughts on the Cave of Kamares, by Jill Abery

Caves are frequently a source of human artifacts and much prehistory has inevitably been reconstructed from such finds. The underlying limestone formation of Crete has led to the island being riddled with many caves of a great range of size, from small, dry crevices used for shelter by goats to many-chambered caverns with underground streams and stalactites and stalagmites. Some of the larger caverns have yielded rich archaeological treasures, and a picture is generally presented of Neolithic man using such places for dwelling, with later civilisations turning them into religious shrines. I would like to challenge the justification for these views as far as one cave at least is concerned – that above the village of Kamares on Mount Ida. ………………………


The Exodus in the Pyramid Texts?, by Walter Warshawsky

It is assumed by Velikovsky and his supporters that the Exodus occurred after the Thirteenth Dynasty of Egypt. It is also assumed that there is little overlap in the first thirteen dynasties. These assumptions have not been tested. The cause for these assumptions seems to be the underlying assumption of progress in development of both language and pottery, as western civilisation sees it. It is not clear that catastrophically-minded people would develop language and pottery in the same way that we do, especially as regards the speed, the severity and the direction of the changes. Is it possible that the Exodus took place before the Twelfth Dynasty? ………………. 


More on Apollo, by K. A. LeFlem

There was as much confusion about Apollo in the ancient world as there is today. His oldest title is Phoebus ‘Shining One’, so he is clearly a god of light. ……………. His confusion with the sun is caused first of all by the racial amnesia about Venus, which clouded his true position as the morning star, secondly by the civilising tendency of Greek thought which diminished his true ferocity in much the same way as it turned the rampaging braggart Indra/Thor figure into the wise father of the gods, and reduced the savage demon Dionysos to the jovial god of wine, and thirdly by the classical mania for solarising all deities, which culminated in the Julian monotheism of the ‘Unconquered Sun’. ……….. The name Phoebus Apollo means the ‘shining destroyer’ which alone should tell us his true character. His birth myth reveals even more: ……………….
