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Books by Author can be seen here


Ages in Chaos

by Immanuel Velikovsky (x 2 copies)

The Atlantic Researches

by Paul Dunbavin

by Paul Dunbavin
Atlantis Researches

Atlantis of the West: The Case for Britain’s Drowned Megalithic CivilisationIn 1995 the author published his controversial theory that Plato’s Atlantis myth remembers the submergence of a Neolithic civilisation around the shores of the British Isles. He argues that this cataclysm resulted from a change in the Earth’s axis consequent upon a comet impact around 3100 BCThe Middle-Neolithic period around 5,000 years ago was a time of dramatic climate and sea level changes all. (£1 + postage)

Catastrophism, Neo Catastrophism, and Evolution

by Trevor Palmer, (published by SIS in association with Nottingham Trent university, 1992. full A1 size paperback £8)

Chaos and Creation

by Alfred de Grazia, (1981, hardback x 5) (£1 + postage)

Alfred d’Grazia

Chaos and Creation, first published in Bombay in 1981, was the first attempt to put quantavolution, more often called neo-catastrophism, upon a firm foundation, channelling the rapid stream of revolutionary facts and theories of natural history and human origins into a useful model for both experts and laymen.

Cosmic Heretics

by Alfred de Grazia, (1984 x 1) (£1 + postage)

Earth in Upheaval

by Immanuel Velikovsky, (hardback x 1 and paperback x 1)

Evidence that the Earth has suffered catastrophes of cosmic origin in historical times’

1993 Cambridge Conference, SIS special Review issue of the 1993 Cambridge Conference at Fitzwilliam College. Also paperback and unused copies. £5 plus postage.

Gods Fire: Moses and the Management of the Exodus

by Alfred de Grazia, (1983 x 1) (£1 + postage)

God Star 

by Dwardu Cardona (£1 + postage)

Let There be Darkness

by Lewis Greenberg (Kronos Press:1997, hardback x 1) (£1 + postage)

Mankind in Amnesia

by Immanuel Velikovsky (1982 hardback x 2)

Peoples of the Sea

by Immanuel Velikovsky (1982 hardback x 2)

Ramses II and His Time

by Immanuel Velikovsky (hardback x 2 and paperback x 1)

Stargazers and Gravediggers

by Immanuel Velikovsky (Published by William Morrow and Co, NY 1983. First edition. (Price £18)

Memoirs to ‘Worlds in Collision’

Stargazers and Gravediggers — Memoirs to Worlds in Collision is Velikovsky‘s own account of the controversy surrounding the publication of his first book, Worlds in Collision.


“Realistically, one has to admit that what the reader makes of these memoirs will depend largely on his own reactions to Velikovsky’s synthesis. One must have read at least Worlds in Collision to appreciate the nuances of this work. If one has done so, there is here ample meat to set the jaws of friend and foe alike to chewing. The perceptions of Velikovsky, some rather surprising, and those of his opponents as well, come through these pages in a way that clarifies the motives and actions of both.”

Sun, Moon and Sothis: Calendars & Calendar Reforms in Ancient Egypt (The Osiris Series Volume II)

By Lyn Rose

by Lyn Rose (6 copies)

Lynn E. Rose. Sun, Moon, and Sothis: A Study of Calendars and Calendar Reforms in Ancient Egypt. (Osiris Series, 2.) xxxvi + 339 pp., illus., apps., bibl., index. Deerfield Beach, Fla.: KRONOS Press, 1999

The Ancient Egyptian Calendar followed the movements of the star Sothis (Sirius) as well as the sun. This book discusses how the Egyptians divided time, and then turns to a detailed examination of how Egyptian lunar calendars were tied by succeeding astronomers into the Julian Calendar, and thus into our own calendrical reckonings. The author suggests that a mistake in ancient calculations may mean a substantial error in our dating of the Middle Kingdom, meaning that it may be a much later period than commonly assumed.

Velikovsky Reconsidered

Editors of Pensee

by Editors of Pensee (hardback x 5) (£1 + postage)

“This collection of papers from the pages of Pensée is but a sampling of an ongoing and expanding discussion triggered a quarter of a century ago by the publication of Immanuel Velikovsky‘s Worlds in Collision. As the Preface to this book recalls, the dominant celestial character and immediate cause of all turmoil in the inner solar system during the near millenium of history reconstructed in Velikovsky’s book was Venus — a planet now orbiting the Sun on the most nearly circular path in the entire system of planets and clearly a threat to no other body. Could this beautiful object in our skies be the same as that which Velikovsky describes as one of antiquity’s most feared gods?”[1]

Electricity in Astronomy

The Electric Universe

by Wallace Thornhill and David Talbott

An alternative theory that recognizes electrical forces as the dominant influence in shaping the universe. We have this subject on a video. Use the contact email address to enquire.

The Interconnected Cosmos

by Donald E. Scott

Prof Donald Scott

Here is an essential primer for anyone wishing to study Astronomy, from the Electric Universe point of view. It is Prof Don Scott’s second book about the Electric Sky and a serious update based on the many new supporting observations. This is available from the SIS for £15 plus postage. This varies on where in the world you might be. Please use the contact email adddress for shipping details as different countries vary in price of postage.

We live in an electrically active plasma universe – an interconnected cosmos.The author’s description of his derived model of these plasma structures provides a thoughtful but straight-forward explanation of many here-to-fore unexplained ‘anomalous’ phenomena. The precise way stars rotate around the centers of spiral galaxies is an important example. It is this complex stellar rotation, inexplicable via Newtonian physics alone, that motivated astronomy’s still on-going, eighty year quest for a mysterious force called Dark Matter.

But the interconnecting network of plasma filaments naturally produces this motion – it is not mysterious to anyone who takes the time to understand how it is an electrically caused result. An intelligent, interested layman who reads this work may be shocked to realize the extent of the damage created by the disastrous decades long waste of money and scientific talent that has occurred because a majority in the scientific power structure still refuse to realize that there is “electricity out-there”. These outmoded claims that electric charges cannot exist in outer-space have historically drawn a self-imposed curtain of ignorance over what ought to be a clear, straight, understandable path of scientific progress in our world and our cosmos. This book is designed to help clear that pathway.

The Electric Sky

by Donald E. Scott

A Challenge to the Myths of Modern Astronomy. Available from https://www.thunderbolts.com

Thunderbolts of the Gods

David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill. US – softback.  Includes the ‘Tutorial’ DVD. Available from https://www.thunderbolts.com