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Many scientists now believe that the age of the dinosaurs ended when the Earth was hit by a meteorite, the resulting blast and climatic changes consigning them to history. However, there is evidence to suggest that global catastrophes have occurred during mankind’s history, caused by one or more large cosmic bodies.

Astronomy: Many of the planets and their moons show signs of upheaval or external damage. Uranus is tilted at 98-degrees; Venus rotates ‘backwards’; Mars is deeply scarred; Saturn’s moon, Mimas, shows a crater of Death-Star proportions, and the asteroid belt may indicate remnants of a lost planet.

Geology: The Earth, in particular, is littered with the evidence of devastation: in Siberia, entire forests are found uprooted intermingled with ash, fossilised charcoal, and animal skeletons. In Alaska, trees are found twisted and torn, together with the dismembered animal remains.

Evolution: It appears possible that the catastrophic devastation and severe changes in climate accelerated the evolutionary process.

Psychology: If mankind witnessed such catastrophic devastation, he could not have been unaffected by all the death and destruction – it must be ingrained in his very psyche. At the same time, the trauma involved would have been so great that, in denial, it would cause him to deal with it by means of rites and sacrifices to heavenly gods, etc.

Oral traditions: Survivors will have told their stories to their children, these stories forming the basis of legends. Later generations, lacking knowledge about earlier catastrophes, interpret them as myths.

Rock art: In pre-history, mankind recorded catastrophic events in drawings and rock engravings.

Linguistics: As language developed, it was influenced by memories of catastrophes. e.g. the word ‘disaster’ coming from ‘evil star’, echoing fears of catastrophe of cosmic origin.

Interdisciplinary: Taken together, the evidence is corroborative and extensive, even if it can be explained in other ways.

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