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Alfred de Grazia Meeting

30 May 1976 Meeting/Talk

The meeting at the Library Association on 30th May was for those who were able to attend our most stimulating occasion so far.

Despite the effects of jet lag, Professor de Grazia, besides bringing members the news from America reported in the following pages, discoursed at length and answered a large number of questions on the Flood, radiocarbon dating, the origin of Religion, Saturn and the earlier catastrophes, the age of the Moon, and his own researches into the origin of the (schizotypical) human brain, the history of the Moon, and the destructions of ancient civilisations by catastrophic fire.

This last subject, which Professor de Grazia subsumes under the new heading of “Palaeo-Calcinology” (see Kronos review), and which he applies particularly to the destruction of Troy IIg, brought the meeting to a reluctant close. Those aspects of the meeting not covered in this issue will be reported next time.

A summary of de Grazia’s informal talk can be found in SIS Review Vol 1 No 3 (Summer 1976).