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Cosmic Catastrophes – Asteroids, Comets and Planets

29 Aug 2007 Conference

Possibilities and Probabilities in the Light of Today’s Findings and the Testimony of Ancient Man

  • J.Bernard Delair: ‘The Geological Evidence for Cosmic Catastrophes and Possible Causes’
  • Professor Laurence Dixon: ‘The Celestial Mechanics of Worlds in Collision Revistied with an overview of subsequent new findings from space’
  • Rens van der Sluijs: ‘Ancient Traditions: What Can They Tell Us About the History of the Earth’
  • David Talbott: ‘Past History of the Planets: The Saturn Configuration’
  • Wallace Thornhill: ‘Electricity or Gravity: Which Rules the Universe?’
  • Frank Wallace: ‘Introduction and Overview of the various cosmic scenarious for catastrophes affecting Earth’
  • Peter Warlow: ‘Inversions of the Earth – Cause and Effect’
  • Professor Irving Wolfe: ‘The Effects and Outcome of Cosmic Catastrophes on Human Societies’


‘Possibilities and Probabilities in the Light of Today’s Findings and the Testimony of Ancient Man’

Fitzwilliam College Cambridge University

Conference 2007. Friday 31st August – Sunday 2nd September


Proceedings of the SIS 2007 Cambridge Conference
Details available here now





J.Bernard Delair
‘The Geological Evidence for Cosmic Catastrophes and Possible Causes’
Laurence Dixon
‘The Celestial Mechanics of Worlds in Collision Revistied with an overview of subsequent new findings from space’
Rens van
der Sluijs
‘Ancient Traditions: What Can They Tell Us About the History of the Earth’
David Talbott ‘Past History of the Planets: The Saturn Configuration’
Wallace Thornhill ‘Electricity or Gravity: Which Rules the Universe?’
Frank Wallace ‘Introduction and Overview of the various cosmic scenarious for catastrophes affecting Earth’
Peter Warlow ‘Inversions of the Earth – Cause and Effect’
Irving Wolfe
‘The Effects and Outcome of Cosmic Catastrophes on Human Societies’

Be at the forefront in the UK of new prospects in cosmology –
read the conference papers!


Many people today, within our Society and without, accept that cosmic catastrophes affecting Earth globally have happened within Mankind’s early existence and that this was recorded in many ways – in religious texts, on papyri and stone tablets(where great fear and the means to assuage the ‘gods’ is expressed) and in rock-art. Current thought on rock-art is that this shows forms and patterns produced by plasma in the cosmos and this idea is most energetically propounded today by some physicists.

Identification of the causal agent of such events are several. In their books, D. S. Allanand J. Bernard Delairprovide geological evidencefor cosmic catastrophe and are among those who have sought to identify the perpetrator. Could it be meteorites, asteroids, or something larger?

We might also question if there were, in fact, several, quite different, causal agents at different times. Whatever the cause, such global disasters would not have just have affected Mankind physically, but also have left mental and emotional scars, so the psychology of traumawill be addressed. His responses to the events would have inevitably found outlets, be it aggressively (human sacrifice), or subliminally (myths, art, etc.) and the psychological aspects are something that have been dealt with in SIS publications by Professor Irving Wolfe.

Myths and legendswere used to great effect in Velikovsky’s cosmological (and historical) scenario and these have been used to equally good effect by Moe Mandelkehr. The role of electro-magnetismin cosmic catastrophes is something that Velikovsky proposed and it has been argued for some time by many original and free-thinking researchers and academics from abroad, (just a few being Wallace Thornhill, Professor Alfred de Grazia, etc.) but, sadly, not by academics in the UK.

There are, however, some free-thinkers within our Society, such as Peter Warlow, who are prepared to consider and research such possibilities. There is also the claim that Venus was cometary as late as c. 1447 BC. This presented a problem concerning the speedy circularisation of her orbit – needed if it was to have been more-or-less stable by c. 687 BC, as was also claimed. If cosmic-electricity (plasma) and not gravity is the main force in the cosmos, could this be a solution to the problem?

Dwardu Cardona‘s and David Talbott‘s scenario, the ‘Saturn Configuration’ – a planetary line-up which eventually broke up causing catastrophe on Earth– has been known of and discussed for many years, in the USA, Canada and elsewhere, but has not been given the airing it deserves over here. Does the ‘Saturn Configuration’ depict something extraordinary that happened in the far distant past, within Mankind’s memory, and when might that have been?

David Talbott

YouTube video

Inversions of the Earth and its reversed magnetic polarity, has been the subject of a book in the UK by Peter Warlowand a paper, written several years ago by Dr Robert Bass, dealt with what celestial mechanics would, or would not, allow. Both subjects will be dealt with again in the light of new evidence.

Finally, when most of the evidence is presented, what might it be possible to say is the most probable cause for several different cosmic disasters that appear to have affected Earth and were handed down to us by Mankind in myth, history and art – and will the findings of plasma cosmology allow a new look at limitations previously imposed due to belief in a cosmos ruled by gravity? Plenty of time will be given after each talk for delegates to ask questions and the conference will close with a panel discussion and Open Forum.

We believe delegates will find this conference to be a very thought-provoking one and we are proud to be hosting such an international gathering of imaginative, open-minded people.

V. Pearce/J. Abery


Proceedings Cover 

Conference paper


Conference paper