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2024 Spring Meeting

Sat 27 Apr 2024 ()
AGM and Spring Meeting, Saturday 27th April 2024 at Watford More details to follow!

2023 Autumn Meeting

Sat 30 Sep 2023 ()
Saturday September 30th 2023 Quaker Meeting House, 150 Church Road, Watford, WD17 4QB, Hertfordshire, UK 11:00: Barry Curnock 'The Archaeology of Carchemish'. A talk in

2023 Spring Meeting

Sat 29 Apr 2023 ()
Quaker Meeting House, 150 Church Road, Watford, WD17 4QB, Hertfordshire, UK (map) 11:00 am – AGM.Nominated and standing for election:Treasurer: Phillip ClaphamAuditor: David RothCouncil: Laurence

2022 Autumn Meeting

Sat 1 Oct 2022 (Meeting/Talk)
Quaker Meeting House, 150 Church Road, Watford, WD17 4QB, Hertfordshire, UK (map) 11:00 Bob Porter: 'Relating Syria to Assyria in the Late Bronze Age'. In

2022 Spring Meeting and AGM

Sat 4 Jun 2022 (Meeting/Talk)
SIS Annual General Meeting and Afternoon Spring Meeting Rupert Holms: ‘Star Core Zeus: 2022 Update’ Tim Hooker: 'Solar Wind & Weather’ 11:00 am – AGM.

2019 Autumn Meeting

Fri 11 Oct 2019 (Meeting/Talk)
11:00 am ‘The Phrygians in the Velikovsky Chronology’: Barry Curnock will continue his series of talks on a revised Hittite history in line with Immanuel

2019 Spring Meeting

Fri 26 Apr 2019 (Meeting/Talk)
Talk featuring Adrian Gilbert and Assistant Prof Nick Thom: Adrian Gilbert: Alchemy: The Secret Science Were alchemists really on a pointless quest or did they

2018 Autumn Meeting

Fri 28 Sep 2018 (Meeting/Talk)
11:00am Bob Johnson, “Why the Electric Universe isn’t the same as the Plasma Universe and why it matters: Part I.” Bob explores these questions in

2018 Spring Meeting

Fri 27 Apr 2018 (Meeting/Talk)
28th April 2018. Afternoon Spring Meeting 1:30 - 4:15pm Rupert Holms: “Star Core Zeus, Pangaea and the formation of the Moon”. Barry Curnock, “After Kadesh,

2017 Autumn Meeting

Fri 6 Oct 2017 (Meeting/Talk)
Autumn Meeting 11:00 - 4:15pm 11:00 Bob Johnson       - The Sun's Electrical Activity 12:00 Rupert Holmes   - The Star Core - Zeus 1:50

2017 Spring Meeting

Fri 28 Apr 2017 (Meeting/Talk)
1:30 - 4:15pm Adrian Gilbert, “The Maya, Ancient Egypt, Stargates and the Electric Universe”. Bob Johnson, “The Anomalous Planetary Periods in the Panchasiddhantika Revisited”  

2016 Autumn Meeting

Fri 16 Sep 2016 (Meeting/Talk)
11:40 Peter Mungo Jupp: "Diamonds Aren't Forever?" 12.00 Peter Mungo Jupp: "Can Kangaroos Swim?" 13.30 Wal Thornhill: "The Elegant Simplicity of the Electric Universe" Synopsis

2016 Spring Meeting

Fri 22 Apr 2016 (Meeting/Talk)
1:30 Wayne Burn: "The Saturn Hypothesis" 2.45 Video: "On the Origins of Icons from Antiquity" Wayne Burn, “The Saturn Hypothesis”. The Hypothesis has been assembled

2015 Autumn Meeting

Fri 18 Sep 2015 (Meeting/Talk)
11:00 Mark Bailey: "Recent Developments in our Understanding of Comets" 1:30: Robert Feather: "Where Moses Stood" 2:45: Tony Haynes and Peter Fairlie-Clarke: "Worlds in Collision,

2015 Spring Meeting & AGM

Fri 24 Apr 2015 (Meeting/Talk)
Bob Johnson: 'The Variability of the Sun and the Effects on Earth' Piers Corbyn : 'Where is the weather going ? What does and does

2014 Autumn Meeting

Fri 24 Oct 2014 (Meeting/Talk)
Daphne Chappell: ‘The Secrets of Biblical Dating’ Don Mills: ‘Amalek in Arabia and Egypt’ Bob Johnson: 'The Nature of the Sun Reconsidered' At Watford Quaker

2014 Spring Meeting

Sat 10 May 2014 (Meeting/Talk)
Henry Zemel: A Tabula Rasa approach to Ancient Near Eastern History Barry Curnock: The Architecture of the Serapaeum Afternoon Spring Meeting - Saturday 10th May

2013 The David Salkeld Memorial Meeting

Fri 6 Sep 2013 (Meeting/Talk)
Trevor Palmer: Introduction David Roth: The Mysterious 'Shamir' Dwardu Cardona: The Proto-Saturnian System's Linear Alignment (Delivered by Wal Thornhill) Barry Curnock: Peter Warlow's 'Tippe-Top' Theory

2013 Members Spring Lecture Meeting

Fri 10 May 2013 (Meeting/Talk)
Prof Mike Baillie: New Musings on Evidence for Extra-terrestrial Impacts Barry Curnock: One Dozen Hittite Anomalies SIS Members Spring Lecture Meeting - Saturday 11th May

Chronology & Catastrophism: Velikovsky's Legacy

Fri 14 Sep 2012 (Meeting/Talk)
Barry Curnock: two major tests of the Chronology Trevor Palmer: the predictions made by Velikovsky Daphne Chappell: the assumptions and methodology use by revisionists SIS

2012 Spring Meeting

Sat 5 May 2012 (Meeting/Talk)
Tony Haynes: Energy Innovations Robert M. Porter: Shortening the Late Third Intermediate Period in Egypt SIS Members Afternoon Spring Meeting - Saturday the 5th May

2011 Autumn Meeting

Sat 3 Sep 2011 (Meeting/Talk)
Laurence Dixon,  'When and Why Europeans Changed the Calendar Between Tiberius and Bede Frank Wallace, 'An Alternative Broad-brushed Outline of Human History' Bob Johnson, ''Evidence for the Anisotropy of

The Archaeology of Alalakh - A Load of Bull?

Fri 15 Apr 2011 (Meeting/Talk)
Barry Curnock gave two audio/visual presentations: 'The Archaeology of Alalakh - A Load of Bull? 'The Length of the Year in the Second Millennium BC'

Exploring the Electric Universe

Sat 10 Jul 2010 (Meeting/Talk)
The Harlequin Theatre, Warwick Quadrant, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1NN UK [Map] in 'The Tanners' room (doors to the 'Tanners' will open at 10.30 am and

David Rohl: Testing Time - the New Chronology in 2009

Fri 18 Sep 2009 (Meeting/Talk)
David Rohl - 'Testing Time -the New Chronology in 2009'. A morning and afternoon presentation of three lectures by the author of A Test of

2009 AGM and Members Afternoon Spring Lecture Meeting

Fri 24 Apr 2009 (Meeting/Talk)
 Mark Bailey - 'The Origin of Comets: New Results and Implications for Time-Variability of the Interplanetary Complex'  Peter Warlow - 'Global Warming Nonsense' The Harlequin Theatre,

2008 Members Autumn Lecture Meeting

Fri 19 Sep 2008 (Meeting/Talk)
Steve Mitchell - 'Dark Earth: A Metaphor for the Dark-Ages of the First Millennium AD?'  Barry Curnock - 'Jeremiah and His Time' (a talk bearing,

2008 AGM and Spring Lecture Meeting

Fri 25 Apr 2008 (Meeting/Talk)
Barry Curnock - A Unified Hittite History Dr Bernard Newgrosh - The Key to Ancient Chronology: Kingship and the Assyrian King List Held at The

Cosmic Catastrophes - Asteroids, Comets and Planets

Wed 29 Aug 2007 (Conference)
Possibilities and Probabilities in the Light of Today's Findings and the Testimony of Ancient Man J.Bernard Delair: 'The Geological Evidence for Cosmic Catastrophes and Possible

2006 Members Autumn Meeting

Thu 19 Oct 2006 (Meeting/Talk)
Laurence Dixon - Plasma Events in the Solar System in the 20th Century Robert Porter - Radiocarbon Dates for Thera John Bimson- Possible Dates for

Megalithic Builders and Neolithic Catastrophes

Sat 22 Oct 2005 (Meeting/Talk)
Autumn Meeting held in the Tanners Room at The Harlequin Theatre, Warwick Quadrant, Redhill, Surrey. Members Autumn Meeting. Paul Dunbavin - Catastrophism and Neolithic Britain

The Electric Universe and the Saturn Configuration

Thu 19 May 2005 (Meeting/Talk)
Wal Thornhill - The Electric Universe and the Saturn Configuration - or how to explain the impossible.  A DVD video of the whole talk is

Sea-Level Changes, Tree-Ring Dating and other Evidence in Relation to Catastrophes and the 6th Century AD

Thu 23 Sep 2004 (Meeting/Talk)
Mike Baille Steve Mitchell Trevor Palmer Members Autumn Meeting.. Held at The Harlequin Theatre, Warwick Quadrant, Redhill, Surrey

2004 AGM and Spring Meeting

Thu 22 Apr 2004 (Meeting/Talk)
Han Kloosterman - The Tippe-Top Earth and Apparent Geomagnetic Reversals: proofs from geology and mythology Trevor Palmer - Perilous Planet Earth (A talk based on

New Directions for the Interpretation of Stonehenge

Thu 16 Oct 2003 (Meeting/Talk)
Dr Mark Gillings and Dr Joshua Pollard (University of Leicester) - A joint lecture on their field work at Avebury and  the wider Avebury landscape

2003 AGM and Afternoon Spring Meeting

Sat 22 Mar 2003 (Meeting/Talk)
Robert Feather (author of The Copper Scroll) - 'Pharaoh's Holy Treasure'. Illustrated with slides, the talk includes new material and centres on Akhenaten and the famous Copper

Ages Still in Chaos

Thu 12 Sep 2002 (Conference)
'An investigation into progress made in the revision of ancient history since 1952, and possible ways forward' Introduction, Prof. Trevor Palmer Scientific Dating Problems, David

2001 Autumn Meeting

Thu 11 Oct 2001 (Meeting/Talk)
Steve Mitchell - 'Egyptian Hieroglyphs - A Chinese Puzzle?'  Presenting evidence to show that Egyptian hieroglyphs occured in early Chinese writing and asking how and when

The Followers of Horus

Thu 3 May 2001 (Meeting/Talk)
David Rohl - 'The Followers of Horus' Implications for contact between Egypt and Mesopotamia'.  The Harlequin Theatre, Warwick Qudrant, Redhill, Surrey. 

A New Universe for a New Millennium?

Thu 19 Oct 2000 (Meeting/Talk)
Halton C Arp: 'Observational Cosmology Impacts Modern Physics' Wal Thornhill: on an 'Electric Universe' The Autumn Meeting of The Society for Interdisciplinary Studies The Gustav

SIS Silver Jubilee Event

Wed 15 Sep 1999 (Conference)
Incorporating a Conference on Chronology & Catastrophism Harold Tresman: Introduction: The Impact Velikovsky had John Crowe: Ancient History Revisions: The Last 25 years - A

Natural Catastrophes during Bronze Age Civilisations

Thu 10 Jul 1997 (Conference)
11th-13th July 1997. The 2nd SIS Cambridge Conference, Fitzwilliam College. (Organised by The Society for Interdisciplinary Studies) Natural Catastrophes during Bronze Age Civilisations: Archaeological, Geological

1996 Autumn Meeting

Sat 19 Oct 1996 (Meeting/Talk)
The University of London Union. Benny Peiser Gunnar Heinsohn Reported in SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1996:2 (May 1997)

Cosmic Catastrophism: Velikovsky's 100th Birthday Memorial Weekend

Fri 29 Sep 1995 (Conference)
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth, the Society invited its members to a special weekend meeting on the legacy left by

1995 Annual General Meeting

Thu 6 Apr 1995 (Meeting/Talk)
Harlequin Centre, Redhill. Dr. Mark Bailey John Milsom

1994 Autumn meeting

Sat 15 Oct 1994 (Meeting/Talk)
Nottingham. Tony Rees's: 'Egyptian Cabbalastic Chronology' Benny Peiser: 'O-Kee-Pa: Catastrophe Legends and Rituals among the Mandan Indians'

1994 Annual General Meeting

Sat 30 Apr 1994 (Meeting/Talk)
Harlequin, Redhill. Michael Garton

1993 Autumn Meeting: The Tests of Time

Mon 1 Nov 1993 (Meeting/Talk)
Date to be confirmed. Nottingham. Gunnar Heinsohn Tony Rees Chris Walker

Evidence that the Earth has suffered Catastrophes of Cosmic Origin in Historical Times

Wed 14 Jul 1993 (Conference)
Harold Tresman: The SIS, Its History and Achievments: A Personal Perspective Steven Robinson: On the Disproportion Between Geological and Historical Time Part One: The Human

1993 Annual General Meeting

Sat 17 Apr 1993 (Meeting/Talk)
The Harlequin, Redhill. David Salkeld: A Harbinger of the Exodus. Steven Robinson gave a dissertation on the disproportion between geological and historical time.

1992 Autumn Meeting

Sat 10 Oct 1992 (Meeting/Talk)
Trent Polytechnic. Speakers: Dr G. T. Meaden: Stonehenge and the Sacred Marriage' Prof. I. Wolfe: 'A Catastrophist Reading of Western Cosmology'

1992 The 17th Annual General Meeting

Sat 25 Apr 1992 (Meeting/Talk)
Tanners Room, The Harlequin, Redhill Surrey. David Rohl: A Re-interpretation of  the Turin Canon Geoffrey Gammon: Black Athena and Its Implication for the Chronology of

1991 Autumn Meeting

Sat 5 Oct 1991 (Meeting/Talk)
Nottingham Polytechnic. Hugh Crosthwaite - The Electrician Priests and Their Language A summary of the talk can be found in SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop

1991 - Annual General Meeting

Sat 6 Apr 1991 (Meeting/Talk)
Tanner's Room, Harlequin Theatre, Redhill, Surrey Dr Victor Clube - Learning to Live in a Catastrophic Environment A summary of the talk can be found

1990 Autumn Meeting

Sun 4 Nov 1990 (Meeting/Talk)
Date to be confirmed. Life Sciences building, Nottingham Polytechnic. Milton Zysman - Unravelling Genesis Tony Rees  - The value of Greek and Jewish traditions in

1990 - Annual General Meeting

Sun 29 Apr 1990 (Meeting/Talk)
London. Rupert Sheldrake Milton Zysman

1989 - Autumn Meeting

Sat 2 Dec 1989 (Meeting/Talk)
Nottingham Polytechnic. Dr Christopher Knight - 'The Origins of Human Society'. David Rohl - 'The Square Boat People and the Origins of Egyptian Civilisation'. New

1989 - Annual General Meeting

Sat 15 Apr 1989 (Meeting/Talk)
Harlequin Theatre in Redhill, Surrey. Milton Zysman  - The Lost Universe Clark Whelton - 'Velikovskian Fundamentalism and the Revised Chronology' Gunnar Heinsohn

1988 - Autumn Meeting

Sat 8 Oct 1988 (Meeting/Talk)
Nottingham Polytechnic. Milton Zysman - theories of evolution and in particular the origins of man Bernard Newgrosh - the validity of currently accepted dating methods

1988 - Annual General Meeting

Fri 1 Apr 1988 (Meeting/Talk)
Date to be confirmed (Sometime between Jan-Apr 1988). Harlequin Theatre at Redhill. Eric Crew: "Erratic Events in the Solar System". He a detailed account of

1987 - Annual General Meeting

Sun 8 Nov 1987 (Meeting/Talk)
The Library Association Building, 7, Ridgmount Street, London W1. PETER WARLOW on Senmut's Ceiling and the Tippe-Top Theory TREVOR PALMER on catastrophic extinctions: "Nemesis for

1986 - Annual General Meeting

Sun 14 Sep 1986 (Meeting/Talk)
Library Association, 7 Ridgemount Street, London WC1E 7AE (nearest tube - Goodge Street). Nick Thorpe on 'The Pitfalls of Radio-Carbon Dating'.

1985 - Annual General Meeting

Sat 12 Oct 1985 (Meeting/Talk)
Held at Royal Commonwealth Society, Northumberland Avenue (off Trafalgar Square), London WC2. Professor Archie Roy - "New Frontiers on the Stability of the Solar System"

SIS Tenth Anniversary Tour

Mon 27 Aug 1984 (Conference)
From the "Preface", Special Tenth Anniversary Tour Issue, By Brian Moore, S.I.S Review Vol. VIII, 1986 The Tour was the inspiration of David Rohl who,

1984 Spring Meeting: Comets, Meteorites and Earth History

Sat 24 Mar 1984 (Meeting/Talk)
Library Association. M Rene Gallant, author of BOMBARDED EARTH, who gave an erudite, entertaining and stimulating talk entitled 'Early Historic Man - Catastrophism & Calendars'

1983 Public Meeting: Global Catastrophes

Sat 29 Oct 1983 (Meeting/Talk)
First public meeting of the S.I.S. outside London since the Glasgow Conference. Held at Trent Polytechnic (Nottingham), under the title "Global Catastrophes: New Evidence from

1983 - Annual General Meeting

Sun 25 Sep 1983 (Meeting/Talk)

1983 - Spring Meeting

Sat 9 Apr 1983 (Meeting/Talk)
Library Association. Prof. Alfred de Grazia gave us an insight into his theories of the catastrophic evolution of mankind which he is developing in full

1982 - Annual General Meeting

Sun 26 Sep 1982 (Meeting/Talk)
Held at the premises of the Library Association in London. Talk: Mr Ralph Sansbury, Editor of a new journal, the Journal of Classical Physics, mooted

1982 - Velikovsky's History and Cosmology

Sat 26 Jun 1982 (Meeting/Talk)
London. Speakers: Victor Clube John Bimson

1981 - Annual General Meeting

Sun 27 Sep 1981 (Meeting/Talk)
Library Association, 7 Ridgmount Street, London, W.1. AGM Talk: Martin Sieff on the subject of "Velikovsky and his Heroes". The heroes in question were Saul

1981 - Catastrophism, Old and New (public meeting)

Sat 6 Jun 1981 (Meeting/Talk)
"Catastrophism, Old and New", was the title of a public meeting of the Society held at the Library Association, 7 Ridgmount Street, London on June

1980 Annual General Meeting

Sun 9 Nov 1980 (Meeting/Talk)
The Annual General Meeting of the SIS was held on Sunday 9th November at the Library Association in Ridgmount Street, London. Harold Tresman, as the

1980 Public Meeting

Sun 7 Sep 1980 (Meeting/Talk)
Library Association in London. It was again well attended with more than 50 people present. The speakers were  Dr. Elizabeth Chesley Baity, Dr. John Bimson

1980: Aspects of Catastrophism (public meeting)

Sat 26 Apr 1980 (Meeting/Talk)
A public meeting organised by S.I.S. and entitled "Aspects of Catastrophism", was held on Saturday 26th, April at the premises of the University of London.

1979 Meeting

Sun 9 Dec 1979 (Meeting/Talk)
Library Association in Ridgmount Rd. Dr. John Fermor, of the Glasgow College of Technology, addressed the Society on the subject of the 360-day year. As

1978 Meeting

Sun 19 Nov 1978 (Meeting/Talk)
Professor Archibald E. Roy, of the Department of Astronomy at the University of Glasgow, has kindly accepted an invitation to talk to the Society on

1978 Annual General Meeting

Sun 24 Sep 1978 (Meeting/Talk)
Held in London

Ages in chaos? How valid are Velikovsky's views on Ancient History?

Thu 6 Apr 1978 (Conference)
In 1973, the Director of this Conference, Dr Euan MacKie, outlined the controversy in a New Scientist article which concluded: "In summary, Velikovsky has achieved

Presenting the Past (Public Meeting)

Sat 19 Mar 1977 (Meeting/Talk)
The first public meeting of the Society was held in the Rupert Beckett Lecture Theatre of the University of Leeds on March 19th, taking as

General Meeting

Sun 5 Sep 1976 (Meeting/Talk)
Library Association, Ridgmount Street, W.C.1 (near Goodge Street station). The business will include: election of officers for the coming year; approval and adoption of a

Alfred de Grazia Meeting

Sun 30 May 1976 (Meeting/Talk)
The meeting at the Library Association on 30th May was for those who were able to attend our most stimulating occasion so far. Despite the

First full meeting

Sun 8 Feb 1976 (Meeting/Talk)
Our first full meeting for discussion of Velikovsky's theories and their implications will be held at the Library Association, Ridgmount Street, W. 1, on SUNDAY

Inaugural Meeting

Sun 9 Nov 1975 (Meeting/Talk)
As reported in Newsletter 2: The Inaugural Meeting of the new Society is to be held at the Library Association, in Ridgmount Street, London, on

Informal Meeting (pre-SIS)

Sun 29 Jun 1975 (Meeting/Talk)
As reported in Newsletter 2: The first informal meeting of the society was held in London on June 29th and brought together one of the