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Pliocene Warmth

12 July 2010 > Geology
At www.dailygalaxy.com July 13th ... we are informed, soaring Arctic temperatures may have almost reached tipping point. However, before dismissing this as just another scary

Bacteria is complicated stuff, don't you just know ...

12 July 2010 > Biology
At www.physorg.com/print198148074.html we learn that bacteria is proving to be more complex than scientists have thought previously - just another surprise nature has sprung on

Gravity and the Big Bang

12 July 2010 > Astronomy
At www.physorg.com/print198135631.html July 12th ... a paper in Physical Review Letters might cause a stir as it says the theory of gravity as proposed by

Titbits on archaeology reports

12 July 2010 > Archaeology
At www.cyprus-mail.com/cyprus/rich-final-bronze-age-settlement/20100704 excavators at a Late Bronze Age settlement on Cyprus might be of interest to chronologists, especially revisionists, as a rich assemblage of imported

Polynesian Pyramids

12 July 2010 > Archaeology
At www.physorg.com/print197873712.html we have a story on Polynesian temples on one particular island, Mo'orea - their evolution from small to monumental pyramids took place in less

Arthur, old chap ... where be ye ...

12 July 2010 > Archaeology
The Daily Telegraph July 11th had a story in which researchers claimed King Arthur's Camelot was built on the site of a recently discovered Roman


12 July 2010 > Astronomy
NASA spacecraft Juno (see www.jpl.nova.gov/news July 12th ... is being assembled in Denver - and a unique protective shield is being added around its electronics.

Ancient Destructions

12 July 2010 > Catastrophism
The web site of Peter Jupp at http://ancientdestructions.blogspot.com has some interesting articles that members, I am sure, will be interested in reading. For example, 'Bad


11 July 2010 > Catastrophism
At www.thunderbolts.info July 10th ... we have a story about the birth of Aphrodite but rather than rising up out of the foam of the

Zahi Hawass and C14 dating methodology

11 July 2010 > Dating
See www.almasryalyaum.com/en/print/54897 ... Zahi Hawass, commenting on the new Bayesian C14 dates as reported on In the News June 18th (as published in Science). He

Plant genes

8 July 2010 > Biology
www.physorg.com/print197739400.html is a story about how it is thought the wild grass teosinte developed into corn (maize). Experiments in domestication have shown it is possible

shrinking protons

8 July 2010 > Physics
a paper in Nature July 8th (see www.sciencenews.org ) indicates protons are smaller than previously thought - by some 4 per cent. This doesn't sound

British Oldies

7 July 2010 > Archaeology
The Guardian July 7th (see www.guardian.co.uk/science/2010/jul/07/first-humans-britain-stone-tools/print is a story about flint tools found on a beach at Happisburgh in Norfolk that are said to be

Roman Galilee

7 July 2010 > Archaeology
At www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/07/100707080941.htm - archaeologists exploring the Galilee region in the Roman period have found a synagogue which is being dated to around 400AD.

Hoard of Roman Coins in a field in Somerset

7 July 2010 > Archaeology
Some 52,500 bronze and silver coins dating from the 3rd century AD have been  found by a hobby metal detectorist in a field near Frome

Neanderthal diet

6 July 2010 > Anthropology
We often hear about the Neanderthal diet - lots of meat. They hunted mammoths using only wooden spears - and approached near enough to get

Geo-ablative Melt

5 July 2010 > Geology
A new post at http://craterhunter.wordpress.com/2010/07/03/fire-cloud-rocks/ is basically an update on ignimbrites - as perceived by the author. The word ignimbrite means something like 'fire cloud

An Armenian Genesis

5 July 2010 > Archaeology
A bit of nationalism and wishful thinking is apparent in this story from www.panarmenian.net/eng/society/news/50844/ where it claims Mesopotamian civilisation originated in Armenia. It does however

stone age amputation

5 July 2010 > Archaeology
www.epochtimes.com July 5th ... stone age surgeons (4900BC) in France performed an amputation operation on a man whose skeleton was found 40km south of Paris

Na Dene and Ket

5 July 2010 > Archaeology
This is probably an old story but it pops up at http://newsminer.com/printer_friendly/8387910 - researchers at the University of Alaska in Fairbanks claim there is an
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