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Jill Eyers on Roman brothel in a des res village in the Thames Valley

25 June 2010 > Archaeology
Hambledon village, between Henley and Marlow, a short distance from the Thames Long Distance footpath, is an upmarket village with a nearby winery and toff

Megaliths, Roman Cornwall, Caral ... and those darn Neanderthals again ...

24 June 2010 > Archaeology
At www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2010-06/uog-sbn062310.php we have an article that suggests Neanderthals separated from other Homo sapiens as early as one million years ago - going by DNA analysis. Once

Venus, Mars ...

24 June 2010 > Astronomy
www.physorg.com/print196587370.html asks, Was Venus once a habitable planet? Did it once have an ocean? This is an exercise in computer modellingt - read with a


18 June 2010 > Electromagnetism
At www.physorg.com/print196085867.html June 18th ... coming up to our July meeting on Wal Thornhill's theory of electricity in the universe we may note a paper published

C02 and the Oceans

18 June 2010 > Climate change
At www.physorg.com/print196059921.html June 18th ... in looking at ice cores from up to 800,000 years ago scientists have found a link between ice melt and

Earthquake synchrony

18 June 2010 > Geology
At www.physorg.com/print196090397.html we are informed that in nature random signals often fall mysteriously in step, one after the other. Fireflies flashing sporadically in the early

Egyptian C14 dates are right according to new analysis

18 June 2010 > Archaeology
BBC News Thursday June 17th ... experts have used scientific dating techniques to show the chronology of ancient Egypt is largely right. C14 was used to

YD impact debate update

17 June 2010 > Catastrophism
At http://cosmictusk.com we have a couple of stories on what is an ongoing debate - have scientists found evidence of a cosmic connection with the

Panspermia and meteorites

16 June 2010 > Astronomy
At Daily Galaxy we have an interesting story on June 15th (www.dailygalaxy.com) .... on meteorites and panspermia. This might be a bad example of scientists

Update on Jupiter hit

16 June 2010 > Astronomy
The recent Jupiter impact, a week or so ago, has left behind a mystery. It produced a flash of light so bright it was visible

Studies of Fossils

16 June 2010 > Biology
www.physorg.com/print195831471.html June 15th ... reports on attempts to extract further information from fossilised creatures - the behaviour of ancient life forms. I don't know if

Skulls and Immigrants

15 June 2010 > Archaeology
www.plosone.org ... the online journal PLoS One has an article on the differences between palaeo-americans and amerindians, a huge morphological dissimilarity involving crania shape and

Rare Earth Elements

14 June 2010 > Geology
At www.livescience.com/technology/Rare-Earth-Elements-100614.html June 15th ... mentions the recently discovered mineral wealth of Afghanistan, worth an estimated one trillion dollars. These include rare earth elements such

Shimmering Butterflies

14 June 2010 > Biology
I was watching BBCs 'Springwatch' a couple of days ago and Chris Packham mentioned that the colours of butterflies are produced not by pigments but

Neutrinos ... and clouds ...

14 June 2010 > Physics
Meanwhile, at http://calderup.wordpress.com June 14th we have two interesting posts. The first one is on the topic of aeroplanes accidentally making holes in clouds and

Dark matter does not exist?

14 June 2010 > Physics
At www.science.daily.com/releases/2010/06/100613212708.htm June 11th ... scientists at Durham University's Physics department used satellite data to study the remnant heat of the Big Bang - via

Ra, the red sun disc

14 June 2010 > Archaeology
A web site that might interest SIS members, http://gks.uk.com which is run by Gary Gilligan, a contributor to the www.thunderbolts.info web site and a member of SIS


14 June 2010 > Archaeology
At www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/06/100614101724.htm we have a story about an Iron Age grave in Norway that dates somewhere between 600 and 1000AD which contained a prehistoric stone

Romanian caves

14 June 2010 > Archaeology
www.physorg.com/print195668903.html June 13th ... Romanian archaeologists have found ancient cave paintings aged between 23,000 and 35,000 years ago. They are drawings of buffalo, horse, and

Tutankhamun Funeral

14 June 2010 > Archaeology
The Times May 29th .... archaeology correspondent Norman Hammond reported on an exhibition in New York, at the Metropolitan, 'Tutankhamun's Funeral'. A decade before the
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