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Jewish Origins

4 June 2010 > Anthropology
At www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/06/100603123207.htm genome analysis has probed Jewish genetics - or distinctly Jewish populations (see American Journal of Human Genetics June 2010). The idea is to

Volcanoes and the Mantle

4 June 2010 > Geology
See www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/06/100602131346.htm ... if tectonic plates colliding cause volcanoes why do some volcanoes erupt far from a plate boundary? A study in Nature suggests that

Primordial Magnetic Fields

3 June 2010 > Electromagnetism
It seems that almost every day astronomers are revealing more data about magnetic fields in space - which in the end must involve electricity in

Earthquake clustering

3 June 2010 > Geology
www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/06/100602193429.htm is a post on earthquakes triggering other earthquakes, causing clusters of them - which involves the synchronisation of faults in the crust. The synchronisation

Harrapan culture

2 June 2010 > Archaeology
Frontline, India's national magazine, has a beautiful article with lots of pictures that can be downloaded at www.flonnet.com/stories/20100618271206200.htm on the rise and fall of a

Humans in Britain earlier than thought

2 June 2010 > Archaeology
The Independent June 1st ... until last month there was no evidence of humans in Britain between 200,000 and 65,000 years ago - but that

Huge Flare

30 May 2010 > Astronomy
At www.physorg.com/print194274365.html ... XMM Newton images of the emisson of the neutral iron flourescent line in molecular clouds around Sgr A taken between 2004 and

Himalayan Smack

30 May 2010 > Geology
At www.physorg.com/print194263023.html May 28th ... geologists have found evidence that when India collided with Asia 90 million years ago the crust of the Indian tectonic

Mesolithic Scots

30 May 2010 > Archaeology
Herald, Scotland May 29th - www.heraldscotland.com ... a stone age camp site has been found at a farm by amateurs (2005) to the north of

Fayoum discoveries

30 May 2010 > Archaeology
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/print/2010/1000/eg10.htm Al Ahram says archaeologists working in the Fayoum have found a group of 45 intact Egyptian tombs complete with painted sarcophagi at Lahoun. A

The Northern Jordan Valley

30 May 2010 > Archaeology
The Jordan Times May 30th (see www.jordantimes.c0m/index.php?news=26973 ) ... Archaeological finds in the northern Jordan Valley are causing experts to re-evaluate the pattern of civilisation. At


28 May 2010 > Archaeology
At www.google.com/hostednews/ there is an article on divers exploring the ruins of Cleopatra's palace, dated May 26th. An international team with a French leader who

Genetic research in Africa

28 May 2010 > Anthropology
At www.upenn.edu/pennnews/news/penn-researchers-add-genetic-data-archaeology.html there is a report, or news flash, about genetic research they hope will shed light on the demographic history of Africa as it

Martian Ice Cap

27 May 2010 > Astronomy
www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/2010-180 data from NASAs Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter have provided evidence of a large chasm and a series of spiral troughs on the northern ice cap

Drought, Lightning, and the Sun ...

27 May 2010 > Inside science
At www.physorg.com/print194030525.html tree rings have been used to compile a temperature proxy over 900 years in North West Africa (Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia) and they

Drought, Lightning, and the Sun ...

26 May 2010 > Astronomy
At www.physorg.com/print194030525.html tree rings have been used to compile a temperature proxy over 1000 years in NW Africa (Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia) and they show dry

Termites in the Savannah Belt

26 May 2010 > Biology
At www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/05/100525171229.htm a paper published by PLoS Biology says that termites are typically viewed as pests and as threats to agricultural and livestock production -

Nature's batteries

26 May 2010 > Evolution
At www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/05/100525094906.htm there is an interesting article on research done by Leeds University and published in Chemical Communications. How did life on earth emerge from


25 May 2010 > Astronomy
NASAs Wide Field Infrared Survey Explorer (otherwise WISE) has captured a huge mosaic of two bubbling clouds in space that are being called the Heart

Diminutive humans in trees

24 May 2010 > Anthropology
At http://news.discovery.com/human/get-ready-for-more-proto-humans.html May 24th ... there is a story of another hominid addition to the human fossil bank, Homo gautengensis. Found in South Africa and
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