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The Sudan, Cyprus, and Tracks that aren't tracks ... or are they?

23 May 2010 > Archaeology
At www.nytimes.com/2010/05/22/arts/22iht-melik22.html ... the New York Times May 22nd has a story on Meroe in present day Sudan. Its art and religion had historical parallels

A Jupiter Smack

23 May 2010 > Astronomy
At www.physorg.com/print193567610.html May 21st ... the impact of a large celestial object with the planet Jupiter last year is the subject of a paper in

Timor Sea Crater

23 May 2010 > Geology
At www.physorg.com/print193556580.html ... Australian scientists have found a crater at the bottom of the Timor Sea and this has been dated (how?) contemporary with a

Target: Earth

23 May 2010 > Catastrophism
Member John Plaxton recommends Target: Earth, by Allen O Kelly and Frank Dachille, Pensacola Engraving Co: 1953 a book that was published at around the time

Big Bang, Anti Matter, and ...

22 May 2010 > Astronomy
The Daily Galaxy on May 19th asked, does the large scale structure of the universe nix big bang theory? There is apparently a growing body of

Fish Extinctions

22 May 2010 > Geology
At www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/05/100517152518.htm it is claimed a mass extinction of fish some 360 million years ago reset the button on earth's life forms triggering modern vertabrae

Hinode Solar Optical Telescope update (solar flares)

22 May 2010 > Astronomy
At www.physorg.com/print193597764.html we are informed Hinode has identified the origin of white light emissions in solar flares. The source of the  white light had not

Revealing the True Solar Corona

22 May 2010 > Astronomy
This is an article from American Scientist May/June 2010 volume 98:3, p212-9, and is written by Richard Woo. It can be fully downloaded from www.americanscientist.org/issues/pub/2010/3/revealing-the-true-solar-corona/1

Archaeology of the YD boundary event

20 May 2010 > Archaeology
At http://journalofcosmology.com/Extinction119.html 'Archaeological Perspectives on the Extra Terrestrial Impact Hypothesis at 12900BC: A View from Western North America' by Terry Jones - available to download in


19 May 2010 > Astronomy
At www.sciencenews.org May 14th ... Phobus, the larger moon of the planet Mars, appears to be porous - an amalgamation of space rubble (see Geophysical

Ball Lightning

19 May 2010 > Electromagnetism
At www.physorg.com/print 192952150.html according to physicists at the University of Innsbruck in Austria (see http://arxiv.org/abi/1005.1153 ) magnetic fields associated with lightning are powerful enough to

Layering of Loess

19 May 2010 > Geology
At http://calderup.wordpress.com Nigel Calder has a post on the 1960s discovery by Czech geologist George Kukla, who counted the layers of loess, each separated by

Djedefre's Pyramid and Easter Island

13 May 2010 > Archaeology
At http://heritage-key.com/blogs/owenjarus/could-djedefres-pyramid-be-solar-temple-not-according-new-research-Baud  May 11th ... could Djedefre's pyramid be a solar temple? Not according to new research. Dr Michael Baud of the Louvre Museum in

The Shy Sun

13 May 2010 > Astronomy
At http://calderup.wordpress.com/2010/05/12/puzzling-sun/ is a report on what is going on, or not going on, at the surface of the Sun. The Michelson Doppler Images (MDI)

Survival of the Fittest

13 May 2010 > Evolution
www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/05/10051010533.htm from a paper in Nature May 9th ... researchers used entire islands in the Bahamas to test the theory, survival of the fittest. Competition

Neanderthals and Genes.

12 May 2010 > Anthropology
Science Daily May 6th (see www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/05/100506141559.htm ) the fossil record indicates modern humans differ physically from Neanderthals. In addition, the Out of Africa theory has

Hole in Clouds

12 May 2010 > Astronomy
At info [at] jpl [dot] nasa [dot] gov May 11th (see www.jpl.nasa,gov/news ) the Herschel Space Observatory has found a gaping hole in clouds surrounding

Oxygen and Evolution

12 May 2010 > Biology
At www.physorg.com/print192714427.html - the journal Astrobiology has a paper that suggests the evolution of complex life forms may have had a kickstart a couple of

Second Law of Thermodynamics

10 May 2010 > Climate change
At http://scienceofdoom.com/2010/05/08/radiation-basics-and-the-imaginary-second-law-of-thermodynamics/ is the second post at this site concerning sceptic arguments that cite the Second Law of Thermodynamics - usually in a puffed and

New Chronology Update May 10th

10 May 2010 > Ancient history
The New Chronology Yahoo group has a series of emails from Eric Aitchison on reign lengths, and dynasties 18, 19 and 20 in respect of
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