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Published since Dec 2009. there are over 7,000 news articles on this site.

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Blobs of crust that excite

10 May 2010 > Geology
www.newscientist.com/article/dn18877-dents-in-earths-gravitational-field-due-to-plumes.html?full=true&print=true May 9th ... old pieces of continental crust that are thought to fall to the bottom of earth's mantle region are being blamed for mysterious

Seeding the earth

10 May 2010 > Astronomy
At http://calderup.wordpress.com May 10th ... Nigel Calder freely admits he was not keen to embrace the idea comets seeded life on earth when it was

Gravitational Waves

10 May 2010 > Astronomy
At www.telegraph.co.uk/science/space/7695994/Largest-scientific-instrument-ever-built-to-prove-Einsteins-theory-of-relativity.html May 9th ... physicists from NASA and the ESA intend to search for gravitational waves - as predicted by Einstein. These are the

Land of Punt

10 May 2010 > Ancient history
A story in the San Franscisco Chronicle at www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/05/-7/MNBN1D3U74.DTL May 8th appears to confirm the Land of Punt was somewhere in the Eritrea/Ethiopia region, a region

Space Blob

9 May 2010 > Astronomy
A strange jelly like substance appears to fall out of the sky giving rise to the term, star jelly, and variously the rot of the

Beakers in Morocco

7 May 2010 > Archaeology
At www.int.iol.co.za/general/news/newsprint.php?art_id=mw20100507170221770/ there is a very brief report on the find of seven skeletons from graves found in a cave 80 km east of Rabat

Third century AD climatic blip/ event

7 May 2010 > Archaeology
At the Egyptian newspaper Al Ahram Weekly (see http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/print/2010/997/cu4.htm ) there is a couple of pages on the Kushite kingdom based at Meroe, contemporary the

Roger thorpe

7 May 2010 > Evolution
At www.physorg.com/print192453015.html ... research by evolutionary biologist Professor Roger Thorpe of Bangor University is contributing to a change in the way we think about evolution.

Science discoveries

6 May 2010 > Inside science
At http://calderup.wordpress.com/2010/05/06/why-is-science-so-sloooow/ May ^th ... Nigel Calder queries if the number of scientific breakthroughs is not keeping apace with the rusing number of scientists, and

Monsoon Vagaries

5 May 2010 > Climate change
At http://calderup.wordpress.com May 5th ... Nigel Calder takes up the article on blips in monsoons in recent history (see earlier post in In the News)

Mammoth Blood

4 May 2010 > Biology
The New York Times (at www.nytimes.com ) May 3rd (see also Science Daily and www.physorg.com ) all have a story about research on mammoths, claiming

Nigel Update

4 May 2010 > Inside science
At http://calderup.wordpress.com we have a post on Einstein and attempts to prove him wrong - but his theory stubbornly remains resistant to detectable error. Next,

Cosmic Tusk update

4 May 2010 > Catastrophism
At www.cosmictusk.com/deep-time-impact-induced-volcanism-a-colloquy is an exchange between Hermann Burchard and Han Kloosterman - with George Howard in the middle. Han calls Veilkovsky a 'scholar' rather than

Iron Age overlap with Bronze Age

3 May 2010 > Ancient history
Bene Israel: Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and the Levant during the Bronze and Iron ages, Leiden: 2008. This book is dedicated to Israel

The Jordan River

3 May 2010 > Climate change
At www.physorg.com/print192044027.html May 2nd ... the Jordan river is nowadays little more that a polluted stream a few metres wide that is on the verge

The Science of Doom

2 May 2010 > Climate change
At http://climateaudit.org May 3rd Steve McIntyre tells CA readers to look at the blog Science of Doom (see earlier posts on In the News for


2 May 2010 > Inside science
At http://calderup.wordpress.com ... another wrinkly has set up a blog, Nigel Calder, a former editor of New Scientist and co-author with Henrik Svensmark of The

Ancient Aurorae

2 May 2010 > Electromagnetism
At www.thunderbolts.info April 28th, 'Picture of the Day', ... 'Amun - an Ancient Aurora filled sky' by Gary Gilligan. He claims the Egyptian god Amun

Electric Earthquakes

2 May 2010 > Electromagnetism
At http://spectrum.ieee.org/computing/hardware/earthquake-alarm there is an article by Tom Bleier and Friedemann Freund but dates back to December 2005. It refers to the October 2005 Kashmir/Pakistan

Early Earth

2 May 2010 > Inside science
At www.dailygalaxy.com April 30th it asks, 'Were Comets incubators of Life on Earth?'. The fact that life apeared soon after the termination of a long
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