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Water ice found on asteroid

28 April 2010 > Astronomy
This story can be accessed from several places (see www.physorg.com/print191665880.html and BBC News April 28th http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/science_and_environment/10090128.stm April 28th 'Asteroid Themis has frosted surface' and in addition

Prehistoric walkabouts

28 April 2010 > Archaeology
Prehistoric Journeys, Cummings and Johnston, Oxbow: 2007, is an attempt to understand prehistoric movements. People did not simply travel from one place to another for

Transient Events in the Plasma Universe

27 April 2010 > Electromagnetism
At http://mythopedia.info/intro.html you will find this article second one down on the left hand menu. Extracting information from sacred and revered accounts or cultic practises

The Electric Universe

27 April 2010 > Electromagnetism
Whet your appetite for the up-coming Wal Thornhill presentation in July at the Harlequin Centre in Redhill by perusing a few web sites. Be aware

Trans Pacific Connections

27 April 2010 > Archaeology
At http://archaeology.about.com/od/transportation/a/trans-pacific.htm April 27th ... About.Com archaeology has an article (and several others in their archive) on contacts between Polynesians and South America. In the

Comet Disintegration

26 April 2010 > Catastrophism
At www.cosmictusk.com 'Smoke linked to Gun: Napier upheld by Nesvorny and Jenniskens on the Zodiacal Cloud' - George Howard has a pop at Richard Kerr

Mathematical Bio-Diversity

26 April 2010 > Evolution
At www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/04/10042153931.htm April 25th ... a mathematical modle has been developed to unravel a key evolutionary riddle - what factors underlie the generation of biological

God Kings

26 April 2010 > Ancient history
Anyone interested in an alternative interpretation of Egyptian history, Egyptian texts, Egyptian titles, Egyptian pharaohs - then a visit to www.world-mysteries.com/god_kings_scenario1.htm might satisfy their curiosity.

Human Origins

25 April 2010 > Anthropology
One of the big consensus theories is that human origins are closely bound up with the Out of Africa theory. Conventional science outlets and the

A Catastrophe of Comets

25 April 2010 > Astronomy
A Catastrophe of Comets is the title of a post at http://craterhunter.wordpress.com/ parts one and two. The blog author claims there has been little independent

Asphalt Domes

25 April 2010 > Geology
At www.physorg.com/print191397828.html April 25th ... in 700 feet deep water off Santa Barbara in California is a series of asphalt domes that it is thought

Troy is in the wrong place?

25 April 2010 > Ancient history
At http://troyatbergama.blogspot.com there is a new blog devoted to the idea ancient Troy was located not at it's usual location, Hisarlik - but at Bergama, an


24 April 2010 > Catastrophism
At http://sites.google.com/site/dragonstormproject/ is a blog devoted to a comet firestorm that contributed to the YD cooling event and faunal extinctions 13,000 years ago. He especially

Dating the YD Event

24 April 2010 > Dating
At http://scienceblogs.com/highlyallochthonous/2007/10/out-of-the-ice-age-into-the-as.php April 23rd ... 'Out of the Ice Age, into the Asteroid shower' is a post by Chris Rowan which begins, '21,000 years ago,

Lawrence Dixon and retrocalculation of the Vernal Equinox

22 April 2010 > Ancient history
Lawrence Dixon has produced a two page article on retrocalculation of the vernal equinox. SIS Workshop has published a series of articles on a revision of

Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Solar Activity (and the odd Full Moon)

22 April 2010 > Electromagnetism
Piers Corbyn at www.weatheraction.com posted this article on April 17th. Astrophysicist Piers Corbyn, at the online site of his company, Weather Action (long range weather

Lopsided Core ... of the Earth...

22 April 2010 > Electromagnetism
At www.physorg.com/print191053615.html April 21st ... the inner core at the centre of the earth is growing as a result of crystalliation of iron in the

Hidden Wonders of Sardinia

22 April 2010 > Archaeology
At http://www.stonepages.com/news/archives/003769.html you will find a report of a tour of Sardinian megalithic tombs, two pages of text. The tombs contain images painted in red

Searching for Neutrinos

21 April 2010 > Astronomy
At www.physorg.com/print190976193.html April 20th ... a series of detectors to capture cosmic rays striking the Earth has been set up in Antarctica with the idea

Fireballs ... and fire ...

21 April 2010 > Electromagnetism
At http://cosmictusk.com April 20th ... reports of a fireball over Wisconsin were accompanied by reports of fires breaking out on the ground. This prompted Bob
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