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Keenan versus Baillie

21 April 2010 > Dating
The Douglas Keenan story has resurfaced across the blogosphere but see http://climateaudit.org for probably the best treatment - and it's implications. The FOI commissioner has agreed

The Solar Dynamics Observatory

21 April 2010 > Astronomy
NASAs new Eye on the Sun delivers a series of stunning images at www.nasa.gov/sdo (and see also http://wattsupwiththat.com April 21st). Some images show material streaming

Chinese Pigs

20 April 2010 > Archaeology
This is one of those stories that seems to show that anything in print (books, written documents etc) but not published online has in some

Oysters, MWP and the Romans

20 April 2010 > Climate change
At http://wattsupwiththat.com April 20th ... we have a report from 'C02 Science' of a paper on temperature reconstruction from plankton shells in a sea bed core

The Origin of Water on Earth

19 April 2010 > Geology
At http://wattsupwiththat.com April 18th ... we have a post by Steven Goddard, 'Volcanoes and Water' ... with a series of stunning images. Water vapour is

Electrified Lunar Craters

19 April 2010 > Astronomy
Science Daily April 17th (www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/04/100416185151.htm ) ... as the solar wind flows over natural obstructions on the moon it may charge polar lunar craters to

Intelligent Design and Human Behaviour

19 April 2010 > Biology
At www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/04/100413170731.htm ... although evolutionists and creationists strongly differ over the role of intelligent design in the origin of species they do appear to agree

Zodiacal Glow

17 April 2010 > Catastrophism
At www.physorg.com/print190569543.html ... Nesvorny and Jennisken in The Astrophysical Journal attribute the glow that straddles the night time zodiac in the eastern sky as sunlight

Indus Script

17 April 2010 > Archaeology
www.hindu.com April 16th ... an interview with Professor Asko Parpola, an Indologist from the University of Helsinki, is the subject of this article. He has

Dating anomalies

17 April 2010 > Anthropology
Science News (www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id58346 ) April 16th ... new age estimates for Homo erectus fossils from Java have produced puzzling results. Anthrolopologists thought Homo erectus had survived

Black Holes

17 April 2010 > Astronomy
Daily Galaxy April 16th (www.dailygalaxy.com) ... does our universe exist in a black hole? Cosmic string theorists, it is alleged, have suggested the whole universe

Dark Matter Doubts

17 April 2010 > Astronomy
At www.physorg>com/print190631146 ... astrophysicists are looking everywhere for dark matter - inside the Large Hadron Collider, in deep mines, and way out in space, but

Black Holes, Sprites, Solar Flares and Interstellar Water

15 April 2010 > Astronomy
At www.physorg.com/print190485260.html ... research has found natural particle accelerators can be formed by lightning storms. When intense lightning discharges in thunderstorms coincide with high energy

The Nine Stones of Cut Hill

14 April 2010 > Archaeology
At www.newscientist.com 2756 April 14th ... the story of the Nine recumbent stones found on Cut Hill in a remote area of Dartmoor, as mentioned

Abraham's Covenant

14 April 2010 > Archaeology
Science Daily April 13th (see also www.examiner.com ) ... Canadian archaeologists have unearthed an ancient treaty that could have served as a model for the

YD impact; increasingly looks unlikely - or does it?

13 April 2010 > Catastrophism
Starting on a positive note but with no idea if he is describing reality or not, we may begin with http://craterhunter.wordpress.com April 10th and a

Accessible Articles via links on Cosmic Tusk

12 April 2010 > Catastrophism
At www.cosmictusk.com April 9th ... there is an article on the YD boundary event and it's impact on Arizona, published in Proceedings of the National

Gulf dry and wide

12 April 2010 > Geology
At www.gulf-times.com April 11th there is a story in which a team of archaeologists from Birmingham University (who pioneered research on the North Sea bottom)

Electricity in Clouds

12 April 2010 > Electromagnetism
At http://sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/59172 April 11th ... it is thought ash particles generated lightning storms when Mount Rinjani in Indonesia erupted in 1995. Now, this idea is

Mount St Helens - 30 years after

11 April 2010 > Geology
Science News April 10th ... this is a preview of a paper to be published on April 24th in Science News volume 177. If you
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