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The case of the younger dryas extraterrestrial impact event

16 February 2010 > Catastrophism
An article in Journal of Cosmology volume 2, pages 256-285 Oct 27th 2009, 'The Case for the Younger Dryas Extraterrestrial Impact Event: Mammoth, Megafauna, and

The Science of Greenhouse Gases

14 February 2010 > Physics
http://scienceofdoom.com is a blog about greenhouse gases, particularly C02. It is basically a series of long articles written by the blog author in response to

Cold Fusion

14 February 2010 > Inside science
http://scientificcomputing.com/Cold-Fusion-Rebirth-New-Evidence-for-LENR.aspx ... a short article on the rebirth of Cold Fusion under the banner of LENR. Cold Fusion got such a bad reputation a few

Ice Shelving

13 February 2010 > Geology
www.physorg.com February 11th ... a study published in Geophysical Research Letters describes how ocean waves originating along the Pacific coasts of North and South America

Black and Dead comets

13 February 2010 > Astronomy
February 11th NASA newsflash (see full story at www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/ ) ... a new satellite, launched in December to track NEOs has discovered it's first comet.

C14 calibration

13 February 2010 > Archaeology
www.physorg.com February 11th ... Gerry McCormac and Paula Reimer of Queens University in Belfast (the '14 Chrono Centre') have created a new archaeological tool, a

More on the AGU Fall Meeting

13 February 2010 > Catastrophism
George Howard's web site http://cosmictusk.com has a post on a talk by Tom Stafford, author of Redefining the Age of Clovis; Implications for the Peopling of America which

Tarasenko Genadiy

13 February 2010 > Electromagnetism
Tarasenko Genadiy sent a message to 'In the News' concerning a theory that there are two hollow spheres within the earth that have a role in electro-magnetism. Astronomer


12 February 2010 > Evolution
New Scientist (online version) January 26th ... an article speculates that Darwin's ideas were only a part of the story of evolution. Darwin's explanation may

Hobbits and small brains.

12 February 2010 > Biology
Science Daily January 30th ... is the brain of the Hobbit too small is the question being asked. Research from a team at Cambridge and Durham

The Sphinx and the Pyramids

12 February 2010 > Dating
The Smithsonian Magazine has an interesting article, Uncovering secrets of the Sphinx. It obviously will not satisfy more extreme revisions of history and is open

Comet Encke and a tail story

12 February 2010 > Astronomy
RIA Novorosti July 26th 2009 ... according to Russian scientists, in Moscow and St Petersburg, the Tunguska event was caused by cometary material that collided with

Plasma and Fractal web sites

12 February 2010 > Electromagnetism
www.plasmacosmology.net provides a brief history of the study and recognition of plasma in space - going back to Farady and Maxwell. When Kepler and Newton

Latest Archaeology news from the horses mouth

12 February 2010 > Archaeology
Current Archaeology March 2010. Rising sea levels are not a recent phenomenon it would seem as the seabed off the coast of the Orkney island

Chumash archaeo-astronomy?

12 February 2010 > Anthropology
www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1960661,00.html  February 9th ... a tree in California was carved with astronomical signs representing constellations, it is alleged. The scorpion tree, a gnarled oak in


11 February 2010 > Anthropology
Science News at www.sciencenews.org/view/generic.id/56213 has a story that pops up on other sites and blogs such as http://scienceblogs.com/notrocketscience about people migrating from NE Asia to

Climate Tidbits

10 February 2010 > Climate change
Science Daily January 2nd ... it is now being claimed Swiss glaciers were melting faster than modern times as recently as the 1930s/1940s warming phase.


9 February 2010 > Biology
Science Daily July 5th 2007 ... although this is an old story it is never the less interesting. Apparently, wolves in Alaska became extinct at


9 February 2010 > Astronomy
Daily Galaxy January 25th ... several leading astrophysicists believe there was no Big Bang to bring the universe and time into existence. Instead, they think

Plant mutations

9 February 2010 > Evolution
www.physorg.com January 4th ... the speed of mutations in plants has been monitored for the first time and findings shed light on the evolutionary process.
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