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Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1997:2

News 2


Planet in Crisis 4
Bernard Delair presents geological evidence for major recent upheavals of the Earth.
‘Worlds in Collision’ after Heinsohn 13
William Mullen examines what happens to the evidence for Velikovsky’s Worlds in Collision events if the revised chronology of Gunnar Heinsohn is adopted
O-Kee-Pa: Catastrophe Myths and Rituals of the North American Mandan Indians 22
In ‘O-Kee-Pa’, the Mandans linked legends of past catastrophe with a cruel initiation rite for their young men. Benny Josef Peiser investigates the meaning of this strange ritual.
Shishak, the kings of Judah and some synchronisms 27
Michael Reade examines synchronisms between Palestine and Egypt around the divided Monarchy and their relationship to the catastrophic era recorded by the Ninsianna tablets.

Milk and honey by Phillip Clapham 11
Sea Level Changes by Phillip Clapham 12
Sir Norman Lockyer (1836-1920) by Phillip Clapham 26
Martian Meteorites 36
Electricity in Astronomy, 1847 by Michael G. Reade 57

Recent Developments in Near Eastern Archaeology by R.M. Porter 37
Monitor by Jill Abery 40
Bookshelf by Jill Abery 46

Reviews 47

Origins: Today’s Science, Tomorrow’s Myth (J. E. Strickling) – reviewed by Trevor Palmer 47

Mythic Ireland (M. Dames) – reviewed by Phillip Clapham 49

The Sacred Mythological Centres of Ireland (J. Roberts) – reviewed by Phillip Clapham 50

Aba: The Glory and the Torment; The life of Dr Immanuel Velikovsky (Dr R. V. Sharon) reviewed by Brian Moore 51

The Impact of Impact! Benny J. Peiser reviews the reception of IMPACT! The Threat of Comets and Asteroids (G. Verschuur) 52

The Avebury Cycle (M. Dames) – reviewed by Phillip Clapham 53

Society News 55

John Bimson & David Ellis, Dick Atkinson, Geoffrey K Barnard, J. Eric Aitchison, G.P. Williams, Adam Green.. 55

About C&C Review. How to join the SIS 61


Alasdair Beal,
10 King George Avenue,
Chapel Allerton, Leeds LS7 4LH


Jill Abery
Brian Moore
Bernard Newgrosh
Benny Peiser
Bob Porter
David Roth


W.W. Web Site


All Subscriptions and Enquiries should be sent to the Hon. MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY:

Val Pearce (Mrs),
10 Witley Green,
Darley Heights,
LU2 8TR, UK.

© The Society for Interdisciplinary Studies, April. 1998

ISSN 0953-0053