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Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1993 Cambridge Conference Proceedings

Special Issue
Evidence that the Earth has Suffered Catastrophes of Cosmic Origin in Historical Times
Proceedings of the 1993 Cambridge Conference

Editor: Bernard Newgrosh, 107 Higher Lane, Whitefield, Manchester M45 7EY.

page Speaker Title Session
Friday 16th July,
2 Harold Tresman The SIS, Its History and Achievements: A Personal Perspective

7 Steven Robinson On The Disproportion Between Geological and Historical Time, Saturday 17th July,
Geoffrey Gammon)
Part One – The Human Perspective*
Part Two – Earth, Fire and Water
33 John Bimson The Nature and Scale of an Exodus Catastrophe Re-assessed
45 Bob Porter Bronze Age Multi-Site Destructions

51 Irving Wolfe A Catastrophic Reading of Religious Systems** SCIENCE/COSMOLOGY
David Salkeld)
A Catastrophic Interpretation of Western Cosmologies
66 Victor Clube Revelation and Catastrophe during the Christian Era: a Basis for Historical Interpolation and Future Extrapolation
74 Wal Thornhill Evidence for the Extreme Youth of Venus
95 David Slade Could an Explosive Volcanic Eruption be Induced by the Nearby Passage of a Cosmic Body?

100 Bernard Newgrosh Enheduanna and the Goddess Inanna Sunday 18th July,
Irving Wolfe)
111 David Salkeld A Harbinger of the Exodus, I*
A Harbinger of the Exodus, II
130 Benny Peiser Catastrophism and Anthropology
135 Bernard Newgrosh Evidence that the Earth has Suffered Catastrophes of Cosmic Origin in Historical Times: the Conclusions of the 2nd SIS Conference


* papers presented at the 1993 Annual General Meeting at Redhill.
** summary of paper presented at the Autumn 1992 Meeting at Nottingham Trent University.



Editor’s Acknowledgements
The Editor would like to express his gratitude to Steven Robinson, David Salkeld, Graham Hope, Alasdair Beal and Alan Newby for their very considerable assistance in the organisation, editing and production of this Special Issue. Its production within 12 months of the Conference itself reflects great credit on the individual contributors, whose effort, commitment and patience have often been stretched in meeting the necessarily tight deadlines.

Contents © The Society for Interdisciplinary Studies, July 1994
ISSN 0953 0053