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Chronology & Catastrophism Workshop 2014:1

SIS Annual General Meeting and Afternoon Speaker Meeting –
Henry Zemel: ‘A Tabula Rasa Approach to Ancient Near Eastern History’, and Barry Curnock: ‘The Architecture of the Serapaeum’ ……… 1
Halton C. Arp, Robert W. Bass ……………………………………………. 3
Clark Whelton, Laurence Dixon, Daphne Chappell, J. Eric Aitchison, Dick Gagel, Peter Fairlie-Clarke, Brian Sherwood Jones …………………………….. 5
What happened in AD775 and AD 1258? by Steve Mitchell ……………… 11
The Writings of the Ancients and their Relevance to Chronology
up to 332 BC (Part II), by Trevor Palmer ………………………………… 18
Newton’s Electric Clockwork Solar System, by Wal Thornhill …………… 23
Adam to Apophis: Asteroids, Millenarianism and Climate Change * The Humans Who Went Extinct * Global Crisis: war, climate change and catastrophism in the 17th century * The Seed of Woman * Form and Void: a study of the meaning of Genesis 1:2 * Science and Religion: Reconciling the Conflict ……………………………………………………. 28
The Lost Star of Myth and Time, reviewed by Laurence Dixon …………… 29
Discovering the City of Sodom, reviewed by Phillip Clapham …….………. 32
The Geography & History of Tall el-Hammam, by Phil Silvia ……………. 33

© The Society for Interdisciplinary Studies – March 2014

EDITORIAL ADDRESS: Laurence Dixon, email:
EDITORIAL TEAM: Laurence Dixon (Editorial Coordinator), Daphne Chappell, Phillip Clapham, David Roth.
TREASURER: Phillip Clapham, 45 Mary’s Mead, Hazlemere, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP15 7DS, UK
GENERAL ENQUIRIES: Barry Curnock, 27 Rosemount Road, Flax Bourton, Bristol, BS48 1UP, UK.