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SIS Review Vol. V Number 2 1980/81

Bruno de Finetti: Science and Novelty 40

A pressing warning from 19SP on the dangers of a narrow-minded and arrogant approach to new ideas by scientists, using the “Velikovsky affair” as an example – here in its first English publication.

Malcolm Lowery: What’s in a Name? Venus “The Newcomer” 46

An examination of Velikovsky’s assertion that the name of the planet Venus means “The Newcomer” and thus reflects its postulated late birth.

Michael G. Reade: An Introduction to the Evidence of the Panchasiddhantika 50

A preliminary study of the “strange synodic periods” in this ancient Hindu astronomical manual reveals possible evidence for a past 360-day year.

Victor J. Slabinski: A Dynamical Objection to Warlow’s Inversion of the Earth 54

Quantitative criticism of Peter Warlow’s axis-inversion proposals from a fellow-scientist.

V. Axel Firsoff: The Anomalous Condition of Venus and the Origin of the Solar System 57

Similarities to Velikovsky’s scenario in a non-Velikovskian suggestion for solving the difficulties in explaining some of the more awkward Venus findings: its rare gas abundances and its retrograde rotation.

Catastrophism Old and New
Obituary: Zvi Rix 34
In Passing: Ebla Reconsidered, by John Bimson 37
Bookshelf: edited by Brian Moore: 60

Trevor Palmer reviews Space Travellers by Sir Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe and The Origin of Life by Clair Edwin Folsome
John Bimson reviews The Bible and Recent Archaeology by Kathleen Kenyon
Brian Moore reviews The Rebel Lands by J. V. Kinnier Wilson

Letters: from George R. Talbott, J. Josephine Leamer, and G. Thiers 65
Horizons: Reviews of other journals in brief 68
Briefings: More Hot Air On Venus 35
Anticipated Findings
V. Axel Firsoff – The Other Gadfly
Volatile Venus
Advertisement: Solar System Today ii
Advertisement: Chaos and Creation iii

Cover illustration: “Lion-heads” and “Weapons” rising from their underground chambers as conventionally represented on a Babylonian boundary stone – from The Rebel Lands, reviewed by Brian Moore in this issue. (Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin/DDR)

The views expressed in this journal are not necessarily those of the Society, nor can the Society vouch for the accuracy of statemeets of fact (outside the immediate sphere of Society business) or of interpretations contained herein. Letters addressed to the Editor will be assumed to be for publication unless including a statement to the contrary: the Editors reserve the right to abridge letters for publication. Whilst every possible care will be taken with material received, no responsibility can be accepted for loss of or damage to unsolicited mss. or Illustrative matter.

Contributors are requested to apply for the “Notes for Contributors” from the Editorial Address above before submitting manuscripts.

Copyright (c) Society for Interdisciplinary Studies 1981
ISSN 0308-3276

Editorial Address:
J. B. Moore,
Central Library,
Clarence Rd.
Cleveland RS24 7EW

Peter J. James

Malcolm Lowery

Brian Moore
(Books, Information)

Peter Warlow

Art Editor:
Rosemary Burnard

Editorial Associates:
Geoffrey Gammon
Martin Sieff
Wal Thornhill

Editorial Consultants:
Dr John J. Bimson
(Biblical Archaeology)

Eric Crew, FIEE, FRAS

Dr John J. Fermor

Hyam Maccoby, MA (Oxon)

Dr Hugo Meynell
(Philosophy of Science)

Dr John Milsom

Michael Reade, DSC
(Observational Astronomy)
The S.I.S. Review is the quarterly journal of the Society for Interdisciplinary Studies, and is received free by all members of the Society. All enquiries should be addressed to:

Bernard T. Prescott,
12 Dorset Road,
Merton Park,
London SW19