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SIS Review Vol. V Number 3 1980/81

M. M. Mandelkehr: An Integrated Model for an Earthwide Event at 2300 BC, Part 1: The Archaeological Evidence 77

The first part of a series of detailed articles presenting evidence from numerous fields (archaeology, climatology, geology, astronomy and mythology) pointing to a global catastrophe caused by an extraterrestrial body towards the end of the third millennium BC.

Michael G. Reade: An Earth Inversion Model 46

A further contribution to the controversy surrounding Peter Warlow’s Earth inversion theory – can experimental models help resolve the mathematical debate?



Dr Claude Schaeffer-Forrer, 1898-1982: An Appreciation
Physics, Astronomy and Chronology
Velikovsky’s History and Cosmology

In Passing: Leakey Hypotheses, by Jill Abery 74

Trevor Palmer reviews The New Evolutionary Timetable: Fossils, Genes and the Origin of Species by Steven M. Stanley

Letters: from B. E. Biermann, C. Leroy Ellenberger, Alfred de Grazia and Malcolm Lowery 99

Myths, Megaliths and the end of the Third Millennium BC


Slabinski Addenda

Editorial ii
In Future Issues iii
Advertisement: Mankind in Amnesia iv

We apologise that Martin Sieff’s article: “Velikovsky and His Heroes”, scheduled for this issue, had to be omitted through considerations of space – it will be included in SISR V:4.

Submissions to the S.I.S. Review should be sent to the editorial address (see contents page); at least two copies should be sent, typed with double-spacing on A4 paper. Whilst every possible care will be taken with material received, no responsibility can be accepted for loss of or damage to unsolicited MSS or illustrative material. Letters addressed to the Editor will be assumed to be for publication unless including a statement to the contrary; the Editors reserve the right to abridge letters for publication.

Contributors are requested to apply for the “Notes to Contributors” from the editorial address before submitting typescripts.
Copyright (c) Society for Interdisciplinary Studies 1983
ISSN 0308-3276


Editorial Address:

Brian Moore
Central Library
Clarence Road
Cleveland TS24 7EW
England, UK

Peter J. James (Co-ordinating)
Brian Moore
Rosemary Burnard (Artwork)

Contributing Editor:
Malcolm Lowery

Editorial Associates:
Geoffrey Gammon (History)
Martin Sieff (History)
Wal Thornhill (Science)

Editorial Assistant:
Neil Lawson

Editorial Consultants:
Dr John J. Bimson (Biblical Archaeology)
Eric Crew, F.I.E.E., F.R.A.S., (Physics)
Dr John J. Fermor (Climatology)
Hyam Maccoby, M.A. (Oxon), (Judaica)
Dr Hugo Meynell (Philosophy of Science)
Dr John Milsom (Geophysics)
Dr Earl Milton (Physics)
Dr Trevor Palmer (Life Sciences)
Michael Reade, D.S.C., (Observational Astronomy)
Peter Warlow (Physics)
The S.I.S. Review is the journal of the Society for Interdisciplinary Studies (registered under the Charities Act, 1950 – Registration number 286264).

All enquiries should be addressed to:

Bernard T. Prescott (Hon. Treasurer)
12 Dorset Road
Merton Park
London SW19 3HA
England, UK

Printed by
Planographic Promotions Lid
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