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SIS Workshop Volume 2 Number 4 (Apr 1980)

Editorial Page 2


Ancient History Study Group
Glasgow Discussion Group
Publication Correspondents
S.I.S. Book Service


Sodom and Gomorrah by James E. Strickling 3


Catastrophism Revived?
Death of the Dinosaurs?
Ocean Spill Caused Mass Extinction
Earth Shrinkage
Rapid Onset Ice Age
Io and its Vulcanism
New Light on Venus
Problem of Lunar Magnetism
Saturn – Lord of the Rings?
Velikovsky Affairs?



Parthenogenesis and Plagues
Who was Apollo?
Catastrophic Evolution
Velikovsky and Avebury
Sitchin’s Spacemen
The Stela of Thutmose I
Eclipse Neurosis


(c) SIS 1980

WORKSHOP was launched to provide for informal publication of articles that, for a variety of reasons, do not qualify for immediate inclusion in the Society’s journal, the S.I.S. REVIEW.

This may be because the article is of a speculative nature, for which it has not been possible to provide detailed evidence or undertake thorough research. It may however be of great interest to members and deserving of early circulation. In this way, WORKSHOP can provide scope for the germination of ideas as they become more focussed and clarified, may well provide material for later inclusion in the REVIEW.

In its aim of increasing the possibilities for the exchange of ideas and information within the Society’s membership, WORKSHOP can be of great value for the relaying of snippets of information, members’ opinions, reviews of relevant news and articles, and in general for keeping members informed of anything which is going on and likely to be of interest in relation to the work of Immanuel Velikovsky and other “taboo” subjects. The Editor relies on regular feedback by way of contributions for publication.

29 Cuttam Lane North, Orpington, Kent BR6 6BX

The views expressed in these pages are not necessarily those of the Society; nor can the Society vouch for the accuracy of statements of fact (outside the immediate sphere of Society business) or of interpretations contained herein.