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Astronomy and Space

4 February 2010

University of Buffalo News June 11th 2002 … this is interesting though an old post. Research has squeezed evidence out of ice cores to show that sun spots have an affect on climate. Sun spots coincide with strong solar activity – such as we had around the turn of the millennium at the height of the AGW apocalyptic scaremongering. The research found that ice cores also include evidence of dust in the atmosphere (volcanic, cosmic, wind blown etc) and when this happens global temperatures are lower.

www.physorg.com January 28th … a new theory claims the Moon was formed after a natural nucleur explosion in the earth’s mantle rather than after an impact by an object with the earth as previously thought. This is because simulations of the impact hypothesis are said to calculate that the Moon should be composed of 80 per cent inpactor and only 20 per cent of the Earth whereas Moon rocks that have been examined are virtually identical to those on Earth. The hypothesis has not been greeted with enthusiasm.

National Geographic News December 24th … Earth’s magnetic pole is apparently moving east due to core flux at the rate of 40 miles a year. It is moving from Canada towards Russia. In 1904 the shift was at the rate of 9 miles per year but in 1989 it seems to have speeded up and in 2007 scientists confirmed the latest rate.

Daily Galaxy November 28th … asks do cosmic rays accelerate growth of life? It claims a new discovery says ‘yes’. A team from the University of Edinburgh scanned tree rings of felled spruce trees and expected climatic factors to be an important element affecting ring width – warmth, moisture etc. What they found was a correlation between cosmic radiation and growth via the 11 cycle of the Sun.

Daily Galaxy November 29th … had a weekend feature on does life exist on other worlds and in space somewhere? The idea only one single planet evolved life among all the stars out there is incredible it was decided, and almost irrational. There are estimated to be 250 billion stars in the Milky Way and over 70 sextillion in the visible universe – and many of them may have a planetary system.