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8 April 2010

At http://researchnews.osu.edu/archive/greenmelt.htm has a story on Greenland glaciers – and what lies beneath them. The research is of course AGW orientated, but useful – the role of water flowing beneath the glaciers. They have found that such water has little actual influence on ice loss around the coast – which is caused by inter-action with the ocean.

At www.physorg.com/print189865161.html we are told that two more glaciers have disappeared from Glacier National Park in Montana – and warmer temperatures are to blame. An ecologist said many of those remaining will be gone by 2020. However, they have been melting since 1850 he admits, when some 150 glaciers existed there.

At www.physorg.com/print189879030.html Inuit forecasters possess generations of observational knowledge and they are helping some scientists to understand Arctic weather patterns. However, global warming is causing problems – weather patterns are accelerating and Inuit knowledge is disappearing as the older generation die out.

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