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Index of Postings in September 2010

1 October 2010

September 2010.

August 31st … Other Worlds

August 31st … Nasca Lines … and water.

August 31st … YD event update

August 31st … K/T boundary event – a compromise?

August 31st … the henge in Herts again

August 31st … sun spots … can stretch the sky …

September 1st … the Antarctic of the Past

September 1st … Jupiter’s radio emissions and dark energy?

September 1st … A funny looking crater on Mars

September 1st … No nano-diamonds at YD boundary …

September 1st … – yes, there are nano-diamonds at the YD boundary event, preserved in ice on Greenland

September 2nd … bronze age surgeons

September 2nd … Moab

September 2nd … -and after the diamonds we have red rain …

September 2nd … and a red comet …

September 3rd … another city under the sea

September 3rd … Near Earth update – NASA report

September 4th … A coral reef is evidence of an extremely rapid change in sea levels during the Holocene

September 4th … Mass extinctions and Evolution

September 4th … Life on Mars (?)

September 4th … Dancing Electrons

September 4th … Water and Ocean Currents

September 4th … Water and Stars

September 4th … Humans in the Amazon basin

September 4th … a couple of sites on a revised chronology

September 5th … The Etruscans, the Hittites, Luwians and others

September 5th … New Chronology and Jonah

September 5th … Fire in the Sun

September 7th … Red Rain update

September 7th … Titbits of History

September 7th … A second pole slip … what next …

September 9th … Climate … and windy stories

September 9th … End of Ice Age – New Zealand

September 9th … The Trojan War

September 10th … Scone

September 10th … Comet Halley in the 5th century BC

September 10th … Watch this video clip

September 11th … an iron meteorite

September 11th … Tortoises and Alligators in the Arctic – where it is night for six months of the year

September 12th … what are meteorites?

September 12th … Qatna

September 12th … The Fiery Pool – the sea, or the sky?

September 14th … Some Dating Issues

September 14th … Koshkonog

September 14th … the introduction of farming into Britain

September 15th … A new way to produce electricity to power engines

September 15th … Comets in the Kuiper Belt

September 15th … Ice Giants and Temperature Adjustments

September 18th … Shape Shifting in Climate Dogma

September 18th … Plants and Evolution

September 18th … Galaxy super clusters and strings and things

September 18th … Aboriginal Astronomy and other bits of archaeological news

September 18th … X-rays in Space

September 18th … Mysteries of the Moon

September 18th … Comet Halley again

September 19th … Symbols from the Sky in Cave Art

September 21st … Its snowing Global Warming in New Zealand

September 21st … Antarctica – when was it glaciated?

September 21st … Parallel Universes and the Black Widow

September 21st … Big Conks and Curly Locks

September 21st … Records in Stone

September 23rd … The Raised Waters of the Exodus

September 23rd … Out of Africa

September 23rd … Global Warming and Archaeology

September 23rd … Anasazi violence

September 25th … An older universe?

September 25th … Neanderthals killed off by volcanoes?

September 25th … Tied in Knots

September 25th … Phobus

September 25th … A peculiar case of double think in archaeology

September 25th … Have they found something – or not?

September 25th … The Mid 20th Century Cooling Episode

September 25th … Aurorae

September 25th … Vikings and Neanderthals

September 25th … News from Russia

September 26th … Saturn, Venus, and the Sun

September 26th … Egypt (the pyramids)

September 26th … A Viking Mystery

September 26th … Fishing the Mesolithic Way

September 26th … Einstein and Gravity

September 26th … Archaeological Chronology in eastern and central Europe

September 27th … Comets and the Bronze Age Collapse

September 28th … Mars and Venus

September 28th … Climate Goodies

September 29th … Journal of Cosmology

September 29th … Dating and Chronology in the Middle East

September 29th … Hazards from Space – including a relook at the Tunguska event (from a Russian perspective)

September 29th Is our universe in the interior of a giant black hole?

September 29th … The Magnetic Moon, Lightning on Earth and Venus, and the Ring of Saturn that was invisible until now

September 30th … Gypsies, skeletons in Crete, Stonehenge Boy, and a lost cairn on a bleak moor … oh, and Kamchatka …

September 30th … The Roman and Medieval Warm Periods vindicated?

October 1st … Weather – in historical context

Oftober 1st … A step closer to the Big Bang? – and creating a black hole in the laboratory

October 1st … The Names of the Pharaohs – titles and epithets

October 1st … Early Americans

October 1st … No Clovis catastrophe – archaeologists say?

October 2nd … The Heliosphere

October 2nd … A Bahamas treasure-chest found in a hole – a series of holes

October 2nd … Big Stone Axes for chopping down trees

October 2nd … The Eemian again – same article, different take

October 2nd … The God King Scenario  

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