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The Sun is putting energy into the atmosphere

24 March 2012

This story can  be found at a number of blogs but not necessarily in mainstream media – the BBC have ignored it for example. One to read, probably because it has a lot of comments, is http://wattsupwiththat.com/2012/03/22/whole-lotta-watts-added-to-the-atm… and concerns the recent flurry of eruptions on the Sun – coinciding with nice weather across the UK. NASA scientists say the Sun dumped enough energy in the upper atmosphere to power every household in New York for two years. It is described as a big dose of heat – the biggest since 2005. That means there were bigger dumps, unrecognised until now, in the years leading up to 2005, at the height of the global warming scare and doomsayings. Oh dear.

This news is really a bit of a bombshell but NASA introduces it in a matter of fact manner, reporting observations – not theory. Suddenly, it all sounds so obvious, the warming at the end of the 20th century was all down to those CMEs winging off the Sun in the direction of the Earth. One interesting point made by a commenter is that as Mars was aligned with the Earth in early March and then Mars would have also warmed up. In addition, the NASA scientist matter of factly describes co2 in the 'thermosphere' as a 'coolant' – if so why isn't it a coolant in the lower atmosphere? Not only that, he also claimed lots of the heat is returned to space – so why doesn't that happen with global warming?

One commenter, at 12.19am, says the Sun affects Earth's innards as far as 3000km below the surface where Earth's magnetic field is generated. It is slowly shifting Earth's magnetic Pole from Hudson Bay to central Siberia. What happens then?

One comment is worthy of repeating as it is amusing, coming from somebody with the moniker of Peter, at 1.57am, 'My god, don't let the alarmists get hold of the idea that co2 can cause cooling as in the decades to come (expected to cool) they will be telling us we need to reduce (co2) to prevent global cooling'.

The full story is at http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2012/22mar_saber/

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