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The spirit of Alexander Thom is not yet dead

12 September 2012

At www.pasthorizonspr.com/index.php/archives/09/2012/perthshire-stone-circl… … is a piece on a stone circle in Perthshire beneath the backdrop of Schiehalion, the mountain associated by the fringe with the hippy goddess of fertility and such things. The author, Douglas Scott (I've probably mentioned him before) lives in Easter-Ross and has been interested in astronomy and archaeology since the 1980s, after contacting Alexander Thom and asking his opinion on an alignment he thought he had found. Thom donated his theodolite so that he could properly survey the orientations of the Edderston stone circle – and since then he has been surveying standing stone alignments and cairns as well as various stone circles, assuming a connection with the Sun or the Moon, or both. He has a full colour 323 page e-book CD guide and a DVD format of the same thing, both titled 'Watchers of the Dawn' – a reference to the idea megalithic people were interested in the Sun at mid winter or mid summer. He has also written several articles and provides a link to them and related articles by other authors.

Meanwhile, at www.kentonline.co.uk/kentonline/news/2012/september/8/henge.aspx … which is a report on a henge found by aerial photography in the North Downs above Maidstone, said to be the size of the henge (earthwork) at Stonehenge. It is situated close to the old Pilgrim's Way – a route pilgrims took between Winchester and Canterbury, following the spine of the North Downs, a ridge of chalk hills. The henge is 50m across (ditch and bank) with horn shaped entrances on both sides. What is most intriguing is that anyhone standing inside the henge would have been unable to see anything but the sky above as the landscape around hemmed in the site. Presumably this implies there was an astronomical reason for siting the henge in the position it is located, and the subsequent building of Bronze Age barrows implies it remained a focal point for long after the Neolithic. Another aspect of note is that there are springs nearby – just as springs have recently been found close to Stonehenge.

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